How can i make a colored 2d grid map, using a equation?

2 views (last 30 days)
stonedbored on 26 Mar 2021
Answered: KSSV on 26 Mar 2021
My doubt is that, i want to make a colored 2d grid map using an equation. For ex, lets say i have a big intensity of a phenomenon in the center or elsewhere and it's decreasing with the distance from the source. Like sound propagation.
Maybe there is a maptool that can i modify the parameters in how the color changes from red colors range (high levels) to blue colors range (low levels) following an equation.
Hope someone can be of help.
stonedbored on 26 Mar 2021
I have the values of q,k,a. I want to see how the pressure values changes in relation to the distance from the source on a colored grid map. So far, i know how to do a vector from 1 to 100 meters and see it on a graph, but my idea is to move the source in a 100x100 meters image for example, and see how the the intensity of the pressure decreases or changes. I guess its something related to the coordinates of the map.
Any idea?

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Answers (2)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 26 Mar 2021
This is exactly what matlab is for, so you're thinking about the right tool. For a quick take-off I recommend you look through the matlab-onramp 材料,这种类型的主题将‘茵特罗德女士’uced together with a lot of other important stuff. Then you can do this, but if you run into problems just ask for the details of where you get stuck.
Welcome to matlab!

KSSV on 26 Mar 2021
You need to proceed something like this:
% mesh
x = linspace(-1,1) ;
y = linspace(-1,1) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ;
p = [0 0] ;% charge is at this point
R = sqrt((p(1)-X).^2+(p(2)-Y).^2) ;
Ka = 1 ;
Q = 3.5 ;
a = 2 ;
% Equation
P = Ka*(R/Q^(1/3)).^a ;

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