
Capabilities and Features

Embedded Coder®万博1manbetxXilinx的支持包®Zynq®平台支持针对Zyn万博1manbetxq SoC的Cortex-A9 MPCore处理器的ANSI/ISO C/C ++代码。

Additionally, for NEON-optimized code implementing DSP filters, use the手臂®皮质a®NE10库支持DSP Sy万博1manbetxstem Toolbox™

使用时结合Xilinx Zynq支持万博1manbetxfrom HDL Coder™, this solution can be utilized in a hardware/software workflow spanning simulation, prototyping, verification, and implementation on Xilinx Zynq devices and platforms. This makes it easier to integrate Model-Based Design into your workflow, enabling fast design iteration cycles and helping you to detect and correct design and specification errors early.




Hardware Name 描述
ZedBoard featuring the Zynq All Programmable SoC Low-cost development board for the Xilinx Zynq All Programmable SoC
xilinx zynq所有可编程SOC ZC702评估套件 功能齐全的Zynq评估套件,具有广泛的功能集和丰富的I/O可扩展性。基于Z-7020 ZYNQ设备
Xilinx Zynq All Programmable SoC ZC706 Evaluation Kit High-performance Zynq Evaluation Kit based on theZ-7045 ZYNQ设备
Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSOC ZCU102评估套件 基于Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ EG familyof devices

也可以指定自定义Zynq目标(需要MATLAB R2015A,然后再)。


See the硬件支持软件包系统万博1manbetx需求表对于当前和先验版本,发布和平台可用性。

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