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Create table of probe set library information


ProbeInfo= probelibraryinfo(CELStruct,CDFStruct)

Input Arguments

CELStruct Structure created by theaffyreadfunction from an Affymetrix®CEL file.
CDFStruct Structure created by theaffyreadfunction from an Affymetrix CDF library file associated with the CEL file.

Output Arguments

ProbeInfo Three-column matrix with the same number of rows as theProbesfield of theCELStruct.
  • Column 1 — Probe set ID/name to which the probe belongs. (Probes that do not belong to a probe set in the CDF library file have probe set ID/name equal to0.)

  • Column 2 — Contains the probe pair number.

  • Column 3 — Indicates if the probe is a perfect match (1) or mismatch (-1) probe.


ProbeInfo= probelibraryinfo(CELStruct,CDFStruct)creates a table of information linking the probe data fromCELStruct, a structure created from an Affymetrix CEL file, with probe set information fromCDFStruct, a structure created from an Affymetrix CDF file.


Affymetrix probe pair indexing is0-based, while MATLAB®软件indexing is1的。The output fromprobelibraryinfois1的。


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This example shows how to extract probe set library information from Affymetrix® GeneChip® microarray data.

This example uses sample data from theE. coliAntisense Genome Array. Download the data Extract the data files from the DTT archive using theData Transfer Tool.

You also need to download Ecoli_ASv2.CDF library file for theE. coliAntisense Genome Array. You may already have these files if you have any Affymetrix GeneChip software installed on your machine. If not, get the library files by downloading and unzipping theE. coliAntisense Genome Array zip file.

Read the contents of a CEL file into a MATLAB structure.

celStruct = affyread('Ecoli-antisense-121502.CEL');

Read the contents of a CDF file into a MATLAB structure.

cdfStruct = affyread('C:\LibFiles\Ecoli_ASv2.CDF');

Extract probe set library information.

probeInfo = probelibraryinfo(celStruct, cdfStruct);

Determine the probe set to which the 1104th probe belongs.

ans = 'thrA_b0002_at'

Version History

Introduced before R2006a