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Queue scan data for device output



preload(d,scanData)provides scan data to the DataAcquisition interfacedfor device output.

You queue data before callingstarton your DataAcquisition. Callingstartruns the DataAcquisition in the background, without blocking MATLAB.


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Queue scan data to the DataAcquisition interface in preparation for device output.

定义一个nd queue a sine wave for output of one cycle on a single channel.

scanData = sin(linspace(0,2*pi,5000)'); preload(d,scanData)% ⋮start(d)

定义一个nd queue a sine wave for repeated output on a single channel.

scanData = sin(linspace(0,2*pi,5000)'); preload(d,scanData)% ⋮start(d,"RepeatOutput")% ⋮stop(d)

Input Arguments

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DataAcquisition interface, specified as aDataAcquisitionobject, created using thedaqfunction.

Example:d = daq(...)

Scan data for device output, specified as an M-by-N matrix, where M is the number of data scans and N is the number of output channels in the DataAcquisition interface. For a single channel, the data is a column vector.

Data Types:double

Version History


See Also
