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Hilbert filter specification object


d = fdesign.hilbert
d = fdesign.hilbert(specvalue1,specvalue2)
d = fdesign.hilbert(spec)
d = fdesign.hilbert(spec,specvalue1,specvalue2)
Fs d = fdesign.hilbert(…)
d = fdesign.hilbert(...,MAGUNITS)


d = fdesign.hilbertconstructs a default Hilbert filter designerdwithN, the filter order, set to 30 andTW, the transition width set to 0.1π radians/sample.

d = fdesign.hilbert(specvalue1,specvalue2)constructs a Hilbert filter designerdassuming the default specification'N,TW'. You inputspecvalue1specvalue2forNTW.

d = fdesign.hilbert(spec)initializes the filter designerSpecificationproperty tospec. You provide one of the following as input to replacespec. The specification options are not case sensitive.


Specifications marked with an asterisk require the DSP System Toolbox™ software.

  • 'N,TW'default specification option.

  • 'TW,Ap'*

The filter specifications are defined as follows:

  • Ap— amount of ripple allowed in the pass band in decibels (the default units). Also called Apass.

  • N— filter order.

  • TW— width of the transition region between the passband and the stopband.

By default,fdesign.hilbert假设所有频率规格均以归一化频率单位提供。同样,分贝是所有级规范的默认值。

Different specifications may have different design methods available. Use设计methods(d)获取可用于给定规范的设计方法的列表。

d = fdesign.hilbert(spec,specvalue1,specvalue2)initializes the filter designer specifications inspecwithspecvalue1,specvalue2, and so on. To get a description of the specificationsspecvalue1specvalue2, enter


at the Command prompt.

Fs d = fdesign.hilbert(…)adds the argumentFs, specified in Hz to define the sampling frequency. In this case, all frequencies in the specifications are in Hz as well.

d = fdesign.hilbert(...,MAGUNITS)specifies the units for any magnitude specification you provide in the input arguments.MAGUNITScan be one of

  • 'linear'— specify the magnitude in linear units

  • 'dB'— specify the magnitude in dB (decibels)

  • 'squared'— specify the magnitude in power units

When you omit theMAGUNITSargument,fdesignassumes that all magnitudes are in decibels. Note thatfdesignstores all magnitude specifications in decibels (converting to decibels when necessary) regardless of how you specify the magnitudes.


collapse all


d = fdesign.hilbert('N,TW',30,0.2); Hd = design(d,'equiripple','SystemObject',真的);zerophase(Hd,'whole')

Figure Zero-phase Response contains an axes object. The axes object with title Zero-phase Response contains 2 objects of type line.



Figure Impulse Response contains an axes object. The axes object with title Impulse Response contains an object of type stem.

ftype = firtype(HD)
ftype = 3

Design a minimum-order Hilbert transformer that has a sample rate of 1 kHz. Specify the width of the transition region as 10 Hz and the passband ripple as 1 dB. Display the zero-phase response of the filter.

fs = 1e3; d = fdesign.hilbert('TW,Ap',10,1,fs); hd = design(d,'equiripple','SystemObject',真的);Zerophase(HD,-FS/2:0.1:FS/2,FS)

Figure Zero-phase Response contains an axes object. The axes object with title Zero-phase Response contains 2 objects of type line.

Version History

Introduced in R2009a