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Filter Design


You can design and analyze a variety of digital FIR and IIR filters using DSP System Toolbox™ functions and apps. Some of these filters include advanced filters such as Nyquist filters, halfband filters, advanced equiripple filters, and quasi-linear phase IIR filters.


Filter Builder 从频率和magnitu设计过滤器de specifications (滤波器启用器


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filterDesigner 开放滤清器设计器应用程序
滤波器启用器 Interactive filter design
fvtool 可视化DSP过滤器的频率响应
butter Butterworth IIR digital filter design
cheby1 Chebyshev I型使用规格对象
cheby2 Chebyshev II型过滤器使用规格对象
design Apply design method to filter specification object
DesignMethods 可用于从规范对象设计过滤器的方法
designoptions Show all options available for specified design
DesignOpts Valid input arguments and values for specification object and method
椭圆 使用规格对象的椭圆滤波器
equiripple Equiripple单速率FIR过滤器从规范对象
freqsamp Real or complex frequency-sampled FIR filter from specification object
help 使用过滤器规范的设计方法的帮助
setSpecs Specifications for filter specification object
validstructures Structures for specification object with design method
fdesign Filter design specification object
fdesign。bandpass Bandpass filter design specification object
fdesign。bandstop Bandstop filter design specification object
fdesign。highpass Highpass filter specification object
fdesign.lowpass 低通滤波器规范
fdesign.decemator 清除器过滤器规范对象
fdesign.interpolator Interpolator filter specification
fdesign。rsrc Rational-factor sample-rate converter specification
fdesign。arbmag Arbitrary response magnitude filter specification object
fdesign。arbmagnphase Arbitrary response magnitude and phase filter specification object
fdesign.ciccomp CIC补偿器过滤器规范对象
fdesign.comb IIR comb filter specification object
fdesign.differentiator Differentiator filter specification object
fdesign.fracdelay Fractional delay filter specification object
fdesign。halfband 半带滤波器规格对象
fdesign.hilbert Hilbert filter specification object
fdesign。isinchp Inverse sinc highpass filter specification
fdesign。isinclp 逆SINC低通滤波器规范
fdesign.notch Notch filter specification
fdesign。nyquist Nyquist filter specification
fdesign。peak Peak filter specification
fdesign。polysrc 构造多项式样品速率转换器(PolySRC)滤波器设计器
designFracDelayFIR 设计带限制的分数延迟FIR滤波器
DesignMultirateFir Multirate FIR filter design
designMultistageDecimator Multistage decimator design
designMultistageInterpolator 多阶段插值器设计
fircband Constrained-band equiripple FIR filter
firceqrip 受约束的equiripple fir滤波器
fireqint Equiripple FIR interpolators
firgr Parks-McClellan Fir滤清器
firhalfband 半带FIR滤波器设计
firlpnorm Least P-norm optimal FIR filter
firls Least-square linear-phase FIR filter design
牢固 Minimum-phase FIR spectral factor
firnyquist Lowpass Nyquist (Lth-band) FIR filter
firpr2chfb Two-channel FIR filter bank for perfect reconstruction
ifir 插值FIR滤波器设计
normalizefreq Switch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency
CA2TF Convert coupled allpass filter to transfer function form
cl2tf Convert coupled allpass lattice to transfer function form
iircomb IIR comb notch or peak filter
iirgrpdelay Optimal IIR filter with prescribed group-delay
iirrpnorm Least P-norm optimal IIR filter
iirrpnormc Constrained least Pth-norm optimal IIR filter
iirnotch Second-order IIR notch filter
iirpeak 二阶IIR峰或谐振器滤波器
normalizefreq Switch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency


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dsp.Differentiator Direct form FIR fullband differentiator filter
dsp.HampelFilter 使用Hampel标识符过滤离群值
dsp.HighpassFilter FIR or IIR highpass filter
dsp.LowpassFilter FIR or IIR lowpass filter
dsp.MedianFilter 中值过滤器
dsp.NotchPeakFilter 二阶可调节口气和峰值IIR滤波器
dsp.VariableBandwidthFIRFilter 可变带宽FIR滤波器
dsp.VariableBandwidthIIRFilter 可变带宽IIR过滤器
dsp.ciccompensation -ectecator 使用FIR解剖器补偿CIC分解过滤器
dsp.ciccompensation Interpolator Compensate for CIC interpolation filter using FIR interpolator
dsp.firhalfbanddecemator 半带摘要
dsp.FIRHalfbandInterpolator Halfband interpolator
dsp.IIRHALFBANDDECERATOR Decimate by factor of two using polyphase IIR
dsp.IIRHalfbandInterpolator Interpolate by a factor of two using polyphase IIR


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模拟滤镜设计 设计和实施模拟过滤器
Digital Filter Design Design and implement digital FIR and IIR filters
滤波器实现向导 使用数字过滤器块或总和,增益和延迟块构建过滤器实现
Arbitrary Response Filter Design arbitrary response filter
带通滤波器 Design bandpass filter
Bandstop Filter 设计带挡滤波器
Comb Filter 设计梳子过滤器
Differentiator Filter Direct form FIR fullband differentiator filter
汉普尔过滤器 使用Hampel标识符过滤离群值
高通滤波器 Design FIR or IIR highpass filter
Hilbert Filter Design Hilbert filter
Inverse Sinc Filter 设计倒数SINC滤波器
Lowpass Filter Design FIR or IIR lowpass filter
Median Filter 中值过滤器
Notch峰过滤器 Design second-order tunable notching and peaking IIR filter
Variable Bandwidth FIR Filter 设计可调的带宽FIR滤波器
Variable Bandwidth IIR Filter Design tunable bandwidth IIR filter
CIC过滤器 设计级联的集成板(CIC)过滤器
CIC Compensation Decimator Compensate for CIC filter using FIR decimator
CIC Compensation Interpolator Compensate for CIC filter using FIR interpolator
FIR Halfband Decimator Decimate signal using polyphase FIR halfband filter
FIR半乐队插值器 Interpolate signal using polyphase FIR half band filter
IIR Halfband Decimator 使用多相IIR半带滤波器脱节信号
IIR Halfband Interpolator Interpolate signal using polyphase IIR halfband filter
Nyquist Filter Design Nyquist filter
