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(Not recommended) Get all data in one level ofbigimageobject

ThegetFullLevelfunction of thebigimageobject is not recommended. Use thegatherfunction associated with theblockedImageobject instead. For more information, seeCompatibility Considerations.


= getFullLevel(bigimg)reads the big image data inbigimgat the coarsest resolution level and returns the single-resolution image.


= getFullLevel(bigimg,level)reads the big image data inbigimgat the specified resolution level and returns the single-resolution image.


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Create a blocked image from the sample image tumor_091R.tif. This sample image is a training image of a lymph node containing tumor tissue from the CAMELYON16 data set. The image has been modified to have three coarse resolution levels, and has been adjusted to enforce a consistent aspect ratio and to register features at each level.

bim = blockedImage('tumor_091R.tif');

Display the entire blocked image at the finest resolution level, including a grid of the block boundaries.

bshow = bigimageshow(bim,'ResolutionLevel','fine',...'GridVisible','on','GridLevel',1);

Create a mask of the coarsest resolution level.

First create a single-resolution image of the coarsest resolution level. By default, thegatherfunction gets data from the coarsest resolution level.

imcoarse = gather(bim);

Convert the coarse image to grayscale.

graycoarse = rgb2gray(imcoarse);

Binarize the grayscale image. In the binarized image, the object of interest is black and the background is white.

bwcoarse = imbinarize(graycoarse);

Take the complement of the binarized image. The resulting mask follows the convention in which the object of interest is white and the background is black.

mask = imcomplement(bwcoarse);

Create a blocked image containing the mask.

Use the same spatial referencing as the original blocked image. Determine the coarsest resolution level and capture the spatial referencing information of the blocked image at the first two dimensions at that level.

coarsestLevel = bim.NumLevels; originalWorldStartCoarsest = bim.WorldStart(coarsestLevel,1:2); originalWorldEndCoarsest = bim.WorldEnd(coarsestLevel,1:2);

Create the blocked image for the mask.

bmask = blockedImage(mask,'WorldStart',originalWorldStartCoarsest,...'WorldEnd', originalWorldEndCoarsest);

Display the mask image.

figure bigimageshow(bmask)

Overlay the mask on the display of the original blocked image using theshowmaskfunction. To highlight all blocks that contain at least one nonzero mask pixel, specify an inclusion threshold of0.


我nput Arguments

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Big image, specified as abigimageobject.

Resolution level, specified as a positive integer that is less than or equal to the number of resolution levels ofbigimg. The default level is the coarsest resolution level,bigimg.CoarsestResolutionLevel.

Output Arguments

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Single-resolution image, returned as a numeric array.


  • Check theLevelSizesproperty of the input big imagebigimgto confirm that the size of image data at the specified level is small enough to fit in memory.

Version History

我ntroduced in R2019b

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Not recommended starting in R2021a

See Also
