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Magnification box for image displayed in scroll panel


Use theimmagboxfunction to add a magnification box to the same figure as an image contained in a scroll panel. A magnification box is an editable text box that contains the current magnification of the target image. When you enter a new value in the magnification box, the magnification of the target image changes. When the magnification of the target image changes for any reason, the magnification box updates the magnification value.


hbox= immagbox(hparent,himage)creates a magnification box for an image displayed in a scroll panel.himageis a handle to the target image in the scroll panel.hparentis a handle to the figure or uipanel object that will contain the magnification box. The function returnshbox, a handle to the magnification box.


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hFig =图('Toolbar','none','菜单栏','none');他= imshow('pears.png');

Create a scroll panel to contain the image.

hSP = imscrollpanel(hFig,hIm); set(hSP,'单位','normalized','位置',[0 .1 1 .9])

Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uipanel. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Add a magnification box to the figure. Set the position of the magnification box to the lower left corner of the figure.

hMagBox = immagbox(hFig,hIm); pos = get(hMagBox,'位置');set(hmagbox,'位置',[0 0 pos(3) pos(4)])

Figure contains an axes object and other objects of type uipanel, uicontrol. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Get the scroll panel API so that you can control the view programmatically.

apiSP = iptgetapi(hSP);

Set the magnification of the image to 200% by using the scroll panel API functionsetMagnification. Notice how the magnification box updates.


Figure contains an axes object and other objects of type uipanel, uicontrol. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Handle to a figure or uipanel object that contains the magnification box, specified as a handle.


Output Arguments

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Handle to magnification box, returned as a handle. A magnification box is a type of uipanel object.

More About

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Magnification Box API Structure

A magnification box contains a structure of function handles, called an API. You can use the functions in this API to manipulate the magnification box. To retrieve this structure, use theiptgetapi功能,如下示例。

api = iptgetapi(hbox)

This table lists the magnification box API functions, in the order they appear in the structure.




Set the magnification of the target image in units of screen pixels per image pixel.

mag = api.setMagnification(new_mag)

new_magis a scalar magnification factor.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a