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Convert spherical distance from nautical miles to radians



rad= nm2rad(nm)converts distances from nautical miles to radians, as measured along a great circle on a sphere with a radius of 3440.065 nm, the mean radius of the Earth.


rad= nm2rad(nm,radius)converts distances from nautical miles to radians, as measured along a great circle on a sphere having the specified radius.

rad= nm2rad(nm,sphere)converts distances from nautical miles to radians, as measured along a great circle on a sphere approximating an object in the Solar System.


collapse all

Convert 500 nautical miles to radians, as measured along a great circle on the Earth. By default, thenm2radfunction assumes your input is a measurement of the Earth, which is represented as a sphere with a radius of 3440.065 nautical miles.

rad = nm2rad(500)
rad = 0.1453

Convert 500 nautical miles to radians, as measured along a great circle on a sphere with a radius of 3432 nautical miles.

rad = nm2rad(500,3432)
rad = 0.1457

Input Arguments

collapse all

Distance in nautical miles, specified as a numeric array.

Data Types:single|double

Radius of sphere in units of nautical miles, specified as a numeric scalar.

Sphere approximating an object in the Solar System, specified as one of the following values:'sun','moon','mercury',“金星”,'earth','mars','jupiter','saturn','uranus','neptune', or'pluto'. The value ofsphereis case-insensitive.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Distance in radians, returned as a numeric array.

Data Types:single|double

Version History

Introduced in R2007a