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Determine if playback is in progress



isplaying(playerObj)determines if playback is in progress for theaudioplayerobject specified inplayerObj.


collapse all

Initiate a recording session, pause the recorder, and then continue the session to finish recording a full audio clip.

Create an audio recording object and start recording using a microphone on your system.

recObj = audiorecorder; record(recObj); disp('Recording in progress now ...')
Recording in progress now ...

Pause the recording and check the status of theaudiorecorderobject. Theisrecordingfunction returns1when recording is progress and0when the recording is not in progress.

pause(recObj); isrecording(recObj)
ans = logical 0

Listen to the audio that has been recorded so far.

playerObj= getplayer(recObj); play(playerObj);

Before proceeding with the recording session, check the status of theaudioplayerobject. Theisplayingfunction returns1when playback is progress and0when the playback is not in progress.

ans = logical 0

Next, resume the recording and capture more audio in theaudiorecorderobject.


To finalize the audio clip, after you have recorded more material, stop the recording.


Get the full audio clip from theaudiorecorderobject and play it.

playerObj= getplayer(recObj) play(playerObj)

Input Arguments

collapse all

Audio player object, specified as anaudioplayerobject.

To create anaudioplayerobject, use theaudioplayerfunction.

See Also

Introduced in R2006a