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Determine if input is timetable



TF = istimetable(A)returns logical1(true) ifAis a timetable, and logical0(false) otherwise.


collapse all

Create a timetable and verify that it is a timetable.

Date = datetime({'2015-12-18';'2015-12-19';'2015-12-20'}); Temp = [37.3;39.1;42.3]; Pressure = [29.4;29.6;30.0]; Precip = [0.1;0.9;0.0]; TT = timetable(Date,Temp,Pressure,Precip)
TT=3×3 timetableDate Temp Pressure Precip ___________ ____ ________ ______ 18-Dec-2015 37.3 29.4 0.1 19-Dec-2015 39.1 29.6 0.9 20-Dec-2015 42.3 30 0
TF = istimetable(TT)
TF =logical1

ConvertTTto a table,T. Theistimetablefunction returns0becauseTis not a timetable.

T = timetable2table(TT); TF = istimetable(T)
TF =logical0

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input variable, specified as a workspace variable.Acan be any data type.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2016b