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Clear the personal value for a setting



clearPersonalValue(s)clears the personal value for the specified setting. If the personal value is not set or not writeable, MATLAB®throws an error.


collapse all

Set and then clear the personal value for the code font size in MATLAB.

Get the rootSettingsGroupobject and set the personal value for the maximum column width for comments in MATLAB.

s = settings s.matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth.PersonalValue = 80;

Display the current values for the maximum column width for comments in MATLAB. Since the personal value is set and the temporary value is not set, the active value for the setting is the personal value. For more information on how the active value is determined, seeAccess and Modify Settings.

ans = Setting 'matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth' with properties. ActiveValue: 80 TemporaryValue:  PersonalValue: 80 FactoryValue: 75

Clear the personal value. The active value for the setting is now set to the factory value.

ans = Setting 'matlab.editor.language.matlab.comments.MaxWidth' with properties. ActiveValue: 75 TemporaryValue:  PersonalValue:  FactoryValue: 75

Input Arguments

collapse all

Setting, specified as asettingobject. Use thesettingsfunction to access the root settings group object and all the available settings in the tree.

Introduced in R2018a