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Write line of ASCII data to serial port



writeline(device,data)writes the ASCII textdatafollowed by the terminator to the specified serial port. The function suspends MATLAB®execution until the data and terminator are written.


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Create a connection to a serial port device. In this example, the serial port atCOM3is connected to a loopback device.

device = serialport("COM3",9600)
device = Serialport with properties: Port: "COM3" BaudRate: 9600 NumBytesAvailable: 0 Show all properties, functions

Check the default ASCII terminator.

ans = "LF"

Set the terminator to"CR"and write a string of ASCII data. Thewritelinefunction automatically appends the terminator to the data.

configureTerminator(device,"CR") writeline(device,"hello")

Write another string of ASCII data with the terminator automatically appended.


Since the port is connected to a loopback device, the data you write to the device is returned to MATLAB. Read a string of ASCII data. Thereadline直到我函数返回数据t reaches a terminator.

ans = "hello"

Read a string of ASCII data again to return the second string that you wrote.

ans = "world"

Clear the serial port connection.


Input Arguments

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Serial port connection, specified as aserialportobject.

Example:writeline(device,1:5)writes to the serial port connectiondevice.

ASCII data to write, specified as a character vector or string scalar of text.

Example:writeline(device,"*IDN?")writes the ASCII string"*IDN?"

Data Types:char|string

Version History

Introduced in R2019b