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Triangulation Representation

Represent and interact with triangulations

Represent 2-D or 3-D triangulation data as atriangulationobject, and use object functions to compute geometric quantities. You can visualize the triangulation and work with STL files to read and write triangulation data.


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triangulation Triangulation in 2-D or 3-D
barycentricToCartesian Convert coordinates from barycentric to Cartesian
cartesianToBarycentric Convert coordinates from Cartesian to barycentric
circumcenter Circumcenter of triangle or tetrahedron
edgeAttachments Triangles or tetrahedra attached to specified edge
edges Triangulation edges
faceNormal Triangulation unit normal vectors
featureEdges Sharp edges of surface triangulation
freeBoundary 自由边界面
incenter Incenter of triangulation elements
isConnected Test if two vertices are connected by an edge
nearestNeighbor Vertex closest to specified point
neighbors Triangle or tetrahedron neighbors
pointLocation Triangle or tetrahedron enclosing point
size Size of triangulation connectivity list
vertexAttachments Triangles or tetrahedra attached to vertex
vertexNormal Triangulation vertex normal
boundaryshape Createpolyshapefrom 2-D triangulation
stlread Create triangulation from STL file
stlwrite Create STL file from triangulation
tetramesh Tetrahedron mesh plot
trimesh Triangular mesh plot
triplot 2-D triangular plot
trisurf Triangular surface plot
