
Binaural Audio Rendering Using Head Tracking

Track head orientation by fusing data received from an IMU, and then control the direction of arrival of a sound source by applying head-related transfer functions (HRTF).


Required Hardware

  • Arduino Uno

  • Invensense MPU-9250

Hardware Connection

First, connect the Invensense MPU-9250 to the Arduino board. For more details, seeEstimating Orientation Using Inertial Sensor Fusion and MPU-9250.

创建Sensor Object and IMU Filter


a = arduino;

创建Invensense MPU-9250传感器对象。

IMU= mpu9250(a);

创建and set the sample rate of the Kalman filter.

Fs = imu.SampleRate; imufilt = imufilter('SampleRate',fs);

Load the ARI HRTF Dataset

当声音从空间到您的耳朵的一个点传播时,您可以根据体内时间和级别的差异(ITD和ILD)进行定位。这些频率依赖性的ITD和ILD可以测量并表示为任何给定的源高程和方位角的一对脉冲响应。ARI HRTF数据集包含1550对脉冲响应,这些反应跨越360度,高度从-30到80度。您可以使用这些脉冲响应来过滤声源,从而将其视为来自传感器方向确定的位置。如果传感器连接到用户头上的设备上,那么尽管头部移动,声音被认为是从一个固定位置传来的。

First, load the HRTF dataset.

ARIDataset = load('ReferenthHrtf.mat');


hrtfdata = double(aridataset.hrtfdata);hrtfdata = permute(hrtfdata,[2,3,1]);


sourcePosition = ARIDataset.sourcePosition(:,[1,2]); sourcePosition(:,1) = sourcePosition(:,1) - 180;

Load Monaural Recording

Load an ambisonic recording of a helicopter. Keep only the first channel, which corresponds to an omnidirectional recording. Resample it to 48 kHz for compatibility with the HRTF data set.

[heli,originalSampleRate] = audioread('Heli_16ch_acn_sn3d.wav');Heli = 12*Heli(:,1);% keep only one channelsampleRate = 48e3; heli = resample(heli,sampleRate,originalSampleRate);

Load the audio data into aSignalSource目的。Set theSampleSperframeto0.1秒。

sigsrc = dsp.SignalSource(heli,...'SamplesPerFrame',sampleRate/10,...“ signaldaction”,“循环重复”);

Set Up the Audio Device

创建anaudioDeviceWriterwith the same sample rate as the audio signal.

DeviceWriter = AudioDeviceWriter('SampleRate',sampleRate);

创建FIR Filters for the HRTF coefficients

创建a pair of FIR filters to perform binaural HRTF filtering.

FIR = cell(1,2); FIR{1} = dsp.FIRFilter('NumeratorSource','Input port');FIR{2} = dsp.FIRFilter('NumeratorSource','Input port');



orientationScope = HelperOrientationViewer; data = read(imu); qimu = imufilt(data.Acceleration,data.AngularVelocity); orientationScope(qimu);

Audio Processing Loop


  1. 读取数据从乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动传感器。

  2. Fuse IMU sensor data to estimate the orientation of the sensor. Visualize the current orientation.

  3. Convert the orientation from a quaternion representation to pitch and yaw in Euler angles.

  4. 利用interpolateHRTFto obtain a pair of HRTFs at the desired position.

  5. Read a frame of audio from the signal source.

  6. Apply the HRTFs to the mono recording and play the stereo signal. This is best experienced using headphones.

imuoverruns = 0;Audiiunderruns = 0;Audioftered = Zeros(Sigsrc.SamplesPerframe,2);抽动尽管toc < 30%从IMU传感器中读取。[data,overrun] = read(imu);ifoverrun > 0 imuOverruns = imuOverruns + overrun;end%FUSE IMU传感器数据以估计传感器的方向。qimu = imufilt(data.Acceleration,data.AngularVelocity); orientationScope(qimu);% Convert the orientation from a quaternion representation to pitch and yaw in Euler angles.ypr = eulerd(qimu,'zyx','frame');yaw = ypr(end,1); pitch = ypr(end,2); desiredPosition = [yaw,pitch];%在所需位置获得一对HRTF。interpolatedIR = squeeze(interpolateHRTF(hrtfData,sourcePosition,desiredPosition));% Read audio from fileaudioIn = sigsrc();%应用HRTFAudioFiltered(::,1)= fir {1}(Audioin,InterpoLatedir(1,:));% LeftaudioFiltered(:,2) = FIR{2}(audioIn, interpolatedIR(2,:));% RightaudioUnderruns = audioUnderruns + deviceWriter(squeeze(audioFiltered));end



release(sigsrc) release(deviceWriter) clearIMUa