
Computer Vision System Toolbox Functions - By Category

Alphabetical List By Category

Feature Detection and Extraction

Local Feature Extraction

detectBRISKFeatures Detect BRISK features and return BRISKPoints object
detectFASTFeatures Detect corners using FAST algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectHarrisFeatures Detect corners using Harris–Stephens algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMinEigenFeatures Detect corners using minimum eigenvalue algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMSERFeatures Detect MSER features and return MSERRegions object
detectSURFFeatures Detect SURF features and return SURFPoints object
detectKAZEFeatures Detect KAZE features
extractFeatures Extract interest point descriptors
extractLBPFeatures Extract local binary pattern (LBP) features
extractHOGFeatures Extract histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) features
matchFeatures Find matching features
showMatchedFeatures Display corresponding feature points
binaryFeatures Object for storing binary feature vectors
BRISKPoints Object for storing BRISK interest points
cornerPoints Object for storing corner points
SURFPoints Object for storing SURF interest points
MSERRegions Object for storing MSER regions
KAZEPoints Object for storing KAZE interest points

Feature Matching

matchFeatures Find matching features
showMatchedFeatures Display corresponding feature points

Image Registration

detectBRISKFeatures Detect BRISK features and return BRISKPoints object
detectFASTFeatures Detect corners using FAST algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectHarrisFeatures Detect corners using Harris–Stephens algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMinEigenFeatures Detect corners using minimum eigenvalue algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMSERFeatures Detect MSER features and return MSERRegions object
detectSURFFeatures Detect SURF features and return SURFPoints object
detectKAZEFeatures Detect KAZE features
extractFeatures Extract interest point descriptors
extractHOGFeatures Extract histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) features
matchFeatures Find matching features
showMatchedFeatures Display corresponding feature points
imwarp Apply geometric transformation to image
estimateGeometricTransform 从匹配点估计几何变换airs
愿景。BlockMatcher Estimate motion between images or video frames
愿景。LocalMaximaFinder Find local maxima in matrices
愿景。TemplateMatcher Locate template in image
binaryFeatures Object for storing binary feature vectors
BRISKPoints Object for storing BRISK interest points
cornerPoints Object for storing corner points
KAZEPoints Object for storing KAZE interest points
MSERRegions Object for storing MSER regions
SURFPoints Object for storing SURF interest points
affine2d 2-D affine geometric transformation
affine3d 3-D affine geometric transformation
projective2d 2-D projective geometric transformation

Geometric Transformations

estimateGeometricTransform 从匹配点估计几何变换airs
imwarp Apply geometric transformation to image

Deep Learning, Object Detection and Recognition

Image Labeling

imageLabeler Label ground truth in a collection of images
groundTruth Object for storing ground truth labels
groundTruthDataSource Object for storing ground truth data sources
labelType Enumeration of supported label types
pixelLabelTrainingData Create training data for semantic segmentation from ground truth
objectDetectorTrainingData Create training data for an object detector
愿景。labeler.AutomationAlgorithm Interface for algorithm automation in ground truth labeling

Deep Learning for Computer Vision

trainRCNNObjectDetector Train an R-CNN deep learning object detector
trainFastRCNNObjectDetector Train a Fast R-CNN deep learning object detector
trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector Train a Faster R-CNN deep learning object detector
rcnnObjectDetector Detect objects using R-CNN deep learning detector
fastRCNNObjectDetector Detect objects using Fast R-CNN deep learning detector
fasterRCNNObjectDetector Detect objects using Faster R-CNN deep learning detector
semanticseg Semantic image segmentation using deep learning
segnetLayers Create SegNet layers for semantic segmentation
fcnLayers Create fully convolutional network layers for semantic segmentation
pixelLabelDatastore Datastore for pixel label data
pixelLabelImageDatastore Datastore for semantic segmentation networks
pixelLabelTrainingData Create training data for semantic segmentation from ground truth
pixelClassificationLayer Create pixel classification layer for semantic segmentation
crop2dLayer Neural network layer in a neural network that can be used to crop an input feature map
semanticSegmentationMetrics Semantic segmentation quality metrics
evaluateSemanticSegmentation Evaluate semantic segmentation data set against ground truth
labeloverlay Overlay label matrix regions on 2-D image
countEachLabel Count occurrence of pixel label for data source images

Object Detectors

acfObjectDetector Detect objects using aggregate channel features
peopleDetectorACF Detect people using aggregate channel features
fasterRCNNObjectDetector Detect objects using Faster R-CNN deep learning detector
fastRCNNObjectDetector Detect objects using Fast R-CNN deep learning detector
rcnnObjectDetector Detect objects using R-CNN deep learning detector
愿景。CascadeObjectDetector Detect objects using the Viola-Jones algorithm
愿景。ForegroundDetector Foreground detection using Gaussian mixture models
愿景。PeopleDetector Detect upright people using HOG features
愿景。BlobAnalysis Properties of connected regions
trainACFObjectDetector Train ACF object detector
trainCascadeObjectDetector Train cascade object detector model
trainFastRCNNObjectDetector Train a Fast R-CNN deep learning object detector
trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector Train a Faster R-CNN deep learning object detector
trainImageCategoryClassifier Train an image category classifier
trainRCNNObjectDetector Train an R-CNN deep learning object detector
detectBRISKFeatures Detect BRISK features and return BRISKPoints object
detectFASTFeatures Detect corners using FAST algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectHarrisFeatures Detect corners using Harris–Stephens algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectKAZEFeatures Detect KAZE features
detectMinEigenFeatures Detect corners using minimum eigenvalue algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMSERFeatures Detect MSER features and return MSERRegions object
detectSURFFeatures Detect SURF features and return SURFPoints object
extractFeatures Extract interest point descriptors
matchFeatures Find matching features
evaluateDetectionMissRate Evaluate miss rate metric for object detection
evaluateDetectionPrecision Evaluate precision metric for object detection
bbox2points Convert rectangle to corner points list
bboxOverlapRatio Compute bounding box overlap ratio
bboxPrecisionRecall Compute bounding box precision and recall against ground truth
selectStrongestBbox Select strongest bounding boxes from overlapping clusters
selectStrongestBboxMulticlass Select strongest multiclass bounding boxes from overlapping clusters

Image Category Classification and Image Retrieval

trainImageCategoryClassifier Train an image category classifier
bagOfFeatures Bag of visual words object
imageCategoryClassifier Predict image category
invertedImageIndex Search index that maps visual words to images
evaluateImageRetrieval Evaluate image search results
indexImages Create image search index
retrieveImages Search image set for similar image
imageDatastore Datastore for image data

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

ocr Recognize text using optical character recognition
ocrText Object for storing OCR results

Object Tracking and Motion Estimation

Object Tracking

assignDetectionsToTracks Assign detections to tracks for multiobject tracking
configureKalmanFilter Create Kalman filter for object tracking
愿景。KalmanFilter Kalman filter for object tracking
愿景。HistogramBasedTracker Histogram-based object tracking
愿景。PointTracker Track points in video using Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm
愿景。BlockMatcher Estimate motion between images or video frames
愿景。TemplateMatcher Locate template in image

Motion Estimation

opticalFlow Object for storing optical flow matrices
opticalFlowFarneback Estimate optical flow using Farneback method
opticalFlowHS Estimate optical flow using Horn-Schunck method
opticalFlowLK Estimate optical flow using Lucas-Kanade method
opticalFlowLKDoG Estimate optical flow using Lucas-Kanade derivative of Gaussian method
愿景。BlockMatcher Estimate motion between images or video frames
愿景。TemplateMatcher Locate template in image

Camera Calibration

Single Camera Calibration

cameraMatrix Camera projection matrix
cameraPoseToExtrinsics Convert camera pose to extrinsics
detectCheckerboardPoints Detect checkerboard pattern in image
estimateCameraParameters 校准一个single or stereo camera
generateCheckerboardPoints Generate checkerboard corner locations
undistortImage Correct image for lens distortion
undistortPoints Correct point coordinates for lens distortion
cameraIntrinsics Object for storing intrinsic camera parameters
cameraParameters Object for storing camera parameters
cameraCalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera parameters
intrinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera intrinsics and distortion coefficients
extrinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera extrinsics
estimateFisheyeParameters Calibrate fisheye camera
undistortFisheyeImage Correct fisheye image for lens distortion
undistortFisheyePoints Correct point coordinates for fisheye lens distortion
fisheyeCalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated fisheye camera parameters
fisheyeIntrinsics Object for storing intrinsic fisheye camera parameters
fisheyeIntrinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated fisheye camera intrinsics
fisheyeParameters Object for storing fisheye camera parameters
extrinsics 计算校准相机的位置
extrinsicsToCameraPose Convert extrinsics to camera pose
relativeCameraPose Compute relative rotation and translation between camera poses
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
showExtrinsics Visualize extrinsic camera parameters
showReprojectionErrors Visualize calibration errors
rotationMatrixToVector Convert 3-D rotation matrix to rotation vector
rotationVectorToMatrix Convert 3-D rotation vector to rotation matrix

Stereo Camera Calibration

cameraMatrix Camera projection matrix
detectCheckerboardPoints Detect checkerboard pattern in image
estimateCameraParameters 校准一个single or stereo camera
generateCheckerboardPoints Generate checkerboard corner locations
undistortImage Correct image for lens distortion
undistortPoints Correct point coordinates for lens distortion
cameraIntrinsics Object for storing intrinsic camera parameters
cameraParameters Object for storing camera parameters
cameraCalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera parameters
intrinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera intrinsics and distortion coefficients
extrinsicsEstimationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated camera extrinsics
estimateStereoBaseline Estimate baseline of stereo camera
stereoParameters Object for storing stereo camera system parameters
stereoCalibrationErrors Object for storing standard errors of estimated stereo parameters
disparity Disparity map between stereo images
reconstructScene Reconstruct 3-D scene from disparity map
rectifyStereoImages Rectify a pair of stereo images
triangulate 3-D locations of undistorted matching points in stereo images
pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
showExtrinsics Visualize extrinsic camera parameters
showReprojectionErrors Visualize calibration errors
stereoAnaglyph Create red-cyan anaglyph from stereo pair of images
rotationMatrixToVector Convert 3-D rotation matrix to rotation vector
rotationVectorToMatrix Convert 3-D rotation vector to rotation matrix

Multiple View Geometry

Stereo Vision

triangulate 3-D locations of undistorted matching points in stereo images
undistortImage Correct image for lens distortion
undistortPoints Correct point coordinates for lens distortion
cameraMatrix Camera projection matrix
disparity Disparity map between stereo images
estimateUncalibratedRectification Uncalibrated stereo rectification
rectifyStereoImages Rectify a pair of stereo images
reconstructScene Reconstruct 3-D scene from disparity map
stereoParameters Object for storing stereo camera system parameters
stereoAnaglyph Create red-cyan anaglyph from stereo pair of images
pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
rotationMatrixToVector Convert 3-D rotation matrix to rotation vector
rotationVectorToMatrix Convert 3-D rotation vector to rotation matrix

Structure From Motion

bundleAdjustment Refine camera poses and 3-D points
cameraMatrix Camera projection matrix
cameraPoseToExtrinsics Convert camera pose to extrinsics
epipolarLine Compute epipolar lines for stereo images
estimateCameraParameters 校准一个single or stereo camera
estimateEssentialMatrix Estimate essential matrix from corresponding points in a pair of images
estimateFundamentalMatrix Estimate fundamental matrix from corresponding points in stereo images
estimateWorldCameraPose Estimate camera pose from 3-D to 2-D point correspondences
extrinsics 计算校准相机的位置
extrinsicsToCameraPose Convert extrinsics to camera pose
isEpipoleInImage Determine whether image contains epipole
lineToBorderPoints Intersection points of lines in image and image border
relativeCameraPose Compute relative rotation and translation between camera poses
triangulate 3-D locations of undistorted matching points in stereo images
triangulateMultiview 3-D locations of undistorted points matched across multiple images
undistortImage Correct image for lens distortion
undistortPoints Correct point coordinates for lens distortion
cameraParameters Object for storing camera parameters
pointTrack Object for storing matching points from multiple views
viewSet Object for managing data for structure-from-motion and visual odometry
detectBRISKFeatures Detect BRISK features and return BRISKPoints object
detectFASTFeatures Detect corners using FAST algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectHarrisFeatures Detect corners using Harris–Stephens algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMinEigenFeatures Detect corners using minimum eigenvalue algorithm and return cornerPoints object
detectMSERFeatures Detect MSER features and return MSERRegions object
detectSURFFeatures Detect SURF features and return SURFPoints object
extractFeatures Extract interest point descriptors
extractHOGFeatures Extract histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) features
matchFeatures Find matching features
愿景。PointTracker Track points in video using Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm
stereoAnaglyph Create red-cyan anaglyph from stereo pair of images
pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
showMatchedFeatures Display corresponding feature points
showReprojectionErrors Visualize calibration errors
rotationMatrixToVector Convert 3-D rotation matrix to rotation vector
rotationVectorToMatrix Convert 3-D rotation vector to rotation matrix

3-D Point Cloud Processing

Read, Write, and Store Point Clouds

pcread Read 3-D point cloud from PLY or PCD file
pcwrite Write 3-D point cloud to PLY or PCD file
pcfromkinect Point cloud from Kinect for Windows
pointCloud Object for storing a 3-D point cloud
findNearestNeighbors Find nearest neighbors of a point
findNeighborsInRadius Find neighbors within a radius
findPointsInROI Find points within ROI
removeInvalidPoints Remove invalid points

Display Point Clouds

pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
pcshowpair Visualize difference between two point clouds
pcplayer Visualize streaming 3-D point cloud data
pointCloud Object for storing a 3-D point cloud

Point Cloud Registration

pcdownsample Downsample a 3-D point cloud
pctransform Rigid transform of 3-D point cloud
pcregistericp Register two point clouds using ICP algorithm
pcregisterndt Register two point clouds using NDT algorithm
pcmerge Merge two 3-D point clouds
pointCloud Object for storing a 3-D point cloud

Point Cloud Fitting to Geometric Shapes

pcfitcylinder Fit cylinder to 3-D point cloud
pcfitplane Fit plane to 3-D point cloud
pcfitsphere Fit sphere to 3-D point cloud
pcnormals Estimate normals for point cloud
cylinderModel Object for storing a parametric cylinder model
planeModel Object for storing a parametric plane model
sphereModel Object for storing a parametric sphere model

Point Cloud Utilities

pcdenoise Remove noise from 3-D point cloud
pcdownsample Downsample a 3-D point cloud
pcnormals Estimate normals for point cloud
pcmerge Merge two 3-D point clouds
pcsegdist Segment point cloud into clusters based on Euclidean distance
pointCloud Object for storing a 3-D point cloud
findNearestNeighbors Find nearest neighbors of a point
findNeighborsInRadius Find neighbors within a radius
findPointsInROI Find points within ROI
removeInvalidPoints Remove invalid points

Input, Output, and Graphics

Video Loading, Saving, and Display

愿景。BinaryFileReader Read video data from binary files
愿景。BinaryFileWriter Write binary video data to files
愿景。DeployableVideoPlayer Display video
愿景。VideoPlayer Play video or display image
愿景。VideoFileReader Read video frames and audio samples from video file
愿景。VideoFileWriter Write video frames and audio samples to video file

Color Space Formatting and Conversions

愿景。GammaCorrector Apply or remove gamma correction from images or video streams
愿景。DemosaicInterpolator Bayer-pattern image conversion to true color
愿景。ChromaResampler Downsample or upsample chrominance components of images


plotCamera Plot a camera in 3-D coordinates
insertMarker Insert markers in image or video
insertObjectAnnotation Annotate truecolor or grayscale image or video stream
insertShape Insert shapes in image or video
insertText Insert text in image or video
listTrueTypeFonts List available TrueType fonts
bbox2points Convert rectangle to corner points list
愿景。AlphaBlender Combine images, overlay images, or highlight selected pixels

Point Cloud Loading, Saving, and Display

pcread Read 3-D point cloud from PLY or PCD file
pcwrite Write 3-D point cloud to PLY or PCD file
pcshow Plot 3-D point cloud
pcshowpair Visualize difference between two point clouds
pcfromkinect Point cloud from Kinect for Windows
pcplayer Visualize streaming 3-D point cloud data

Analysis and Enhancements


愿景。Autocorrelator Compute 2-D autocorrelation of input matrix
愿景。BlobAnalysis Properties of connected regions
愿景。Crosscorrelator 2-D cross-correlation of two input matrices
愿景。LocalMaximaFinder Find local maxima in matrices
愿景。格言um Find maximum values in input or sequence of inputs
愿景。Mean Find mean value of input or sequence of inputs
愿景。Median Find median values in an input
愿景。Minimum Find minimum values in input or sequence of inputs
愿景。StandardDeviation Find standard deviation of input or sequence of inputs
愿景。Variance Find variance values in an input or sequence of inputs

Morphological Operations

bwmorph Morphological operations on binary images
bwconncomp Find connected components in binary image
bwlabel Label connected components in 2-D binary image
bwlabeln Label connected components in binary image
imbothat Bottom-hat filtering
imclose Morphologically close image
imdilate Dilate image
imerode Erode image
imopen Morphologically open image
imreconstruct Morphological reconstruction
imtophat Top-hat filtering

Filters, Transforms, and Enhancements

integralFilter Filter using integral image
integralImage Integral image
isfilterseparable Determine whether filter coefficients are separable
imfilter N-D filtering of multidimensional images
imwarp Apply geometric transformation to image
integralKernel Define filter for use with integral images
愿景。Convolver Compute 2-D discrete convolution of two input matrices
愿景。FFT Two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform
愿景。IFFT Two–dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform
愿景。DCT Compute 2-D discrete cosine transform
愿景。IDCT Compute 2-D inverse discrete cosine transform
愿景。Deinterlacer Remove motion artifacts by deinterlacing input video signal
愿景。Pyramid Perform Gaussian pyramid decomposition

Code Generation and Third-Party Support

OpenCV Interface Support

ocvCheckFeaturePointsStruct Check that MATLAB struct represents feature points
ocvStructToKeyPoints Convert MATLAB feature points struct to OpenCV KeyPoint vector
ocvKeyPointsToStruct Convert OpenCV KeyPoint vector to MATLAB struct
ocvMxArrayToCvRect Convert a MATLAB struct representing a rectangle to an OpenCV CvRect
ocvCvRectToMxArray Convert OpenCV CvRect to a MATLAB struct
ocvCvBox2DToMxArray Convert OpenCV CvBox2D to a MATLAB struct
ocvCvRectToBoundingBox_{DataType} Convert vector to M-by-4 mxArray of bounding boxes
ocvMxArrayToSize_{DataType} Convert 2-element mxArray to cv::Size.
ocvMxArrayToImage_{DataType} Convert column major mxArray to row major cv::Mat for image
ocvMxArrayToMat_{DataType} Convert column major mxArray to row major cv::Mat for generic matrix
ocvMxArrayFromImage_{DataType} 行转换主要简历::列主要mxArray垫for image
ocvMxArrayFromMat_{DataType} 行转换主要简历::列主要mxArray垫for generic matrix
ocvMxArrayFromVector Convert numeric vectorT to mxArray
ocvMxArrayFromPoints2f Converts vector to mxArray
ocvMxGpuArrayToGpuMat_{DataType} Create cv::gpu::GpuMat from mxArray containing GPU data
ocvMxGpuArrayFromGpuMat_{DataType} Create an mxArray from cv::gpu::GpuMat object
visionSupportPackages Start installer to download, install, or uninstall Computer Vision System Toolbox data

OCR Language Data Support Files

visionSupportPackages Start installer to download, install, or uninstall Computer Vision System Toolbox data
ocr Recognize text using optical character recognition
ocrText Object for storing OCR results