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Enforce passivity ofrationalfitoutput or a rational object



pfit= makepassive(fit,s)produces a passive fit by modifying the input,fitwhile optimally matching the data of S-parameter input,s.makepassivefunction does modifies the residues of thefitto make it passive.

pfit= makepassive(fit,s,'Display','on')solves as above, but turns on the display of iteration information. The default for'Display'is'off'.


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Read a file namedpassive.s2pand fit the 2x2 S-parameters.

S = sparameters('passive.s2p'); fit = rationalfit(S);

Plot the passivity of the 2x2 fit, noting the violations.

figure passivity(fit)

Figure contains an axes. The axes with title Fit not passive, H_\infty norm is 1 + 1.791e-02 at 17.6816 GHz. contains 4 objects of type line.

Optimize residues to produce a passive fit still close to S.

pfit = makepassive(fit,S)
pfit=2×2 object2x2 rfmodel.rational array with properties: A C D Delay Name

To display iteration information:

pfit = makepassive(fit,S,'Display','on')
ITER H-INFTY NORM FREQUENCY ERRDB CONSTRAINTS 0 1 + 1.791e-02 17.6816 GHz -40.4702 1 1 + 2.877e-04 275.36 MHz -40.9167 5 2 1 + 9.294e-05 365.508 MHz -40.9092 7 3 1 - 3.305e-07 368.334 MHz -40.906 9
pfit=2×2 object2x2 rfmodel.rational array with properties: A C D Delay Name

Plot the passivity of the new fit.

figure passivity(pfit)

Figure contains an axes. The axes with title Fit passive, H_\infty norm is 1 - 3.305e-07 at 368.334 MHz. contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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N-by-Narray, specified as a arfmodel.rational对象returned byrationalfitor arationalobject.

S-parameters, specified as an RF Toolbox™ network parameter object. To create this type of object, use thesparametersfunction.

Output Arguments

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rfmodel.rational对象, returned asN-by-Narray.

Introduced in R2019a