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Visualize worst-case disk-based stability margins

Since R2020a



wcdiskmarginplot(Lunc)plots the nominal and worst-case disk-based gain and phase margins for the SISO or MIMO negative feedback loopfeedback(Lunc,eye(N)), whereNis the number of inputs and outputs in the uncertain open-loop responseLunc.

For MIMO responses,diskmarginplot使用多环的磁盘的利润率。(di的详细信息sk-based gain and phase margins, seediskmargin.) The plot includes:

  • Nominal — Nominal gain and phase margins ofLunc. The disk-based gain margin at each frequency is ±GM, whereGMis the value shown in the plot in dB. Similarly, the disk-based phase margin is ±PMdegrees, wherePMis the value shown on the plot.

  • Worst perturbation — The disk-based gain and phase margins for the worst perturbation within the uncertainty rangeLunc.Uncertainty. The worst perturbation corresponds to thewcuoutput argument ofwcdiskmargin. It is the perturbation that yields the smallest disk margin.

  • Worst-case margin (lower bound) — Lower bound on the worst-case margins at each frequency. This curve represents the envelope produced by finding the smallest disk margin possible at each frequency, within the uncertainty ofLunc.

  • Worst-case margin (upper bound) — Upper bound on the worst-case margins at each frequency.

  • Sampled Uncertainty — Margins of responses randomly sampled fromLunc.

wcdiskmarginplot(Lunc,sigma)plots the disk-based gain and phase margins computed using the skewsigmato bias the gain variation toward gain increase (sigma> 0) or gain decrease (sigma< 0). If you have usedwcto obtain worst-case disk-based margins with some particularsigma, you can use this syntax to see the frequency dependence of the margins at thatsigmavalue. Forsigma≠ 0, the plotted value isGM = min(gmax,1/max(0,gmin)). In other words, the plot shows the largest amount of gain change[1/GM,GM]that fits within the disk-based gain margin[gmin,gmax]of the system at the specifiedsigma.


wcdiskmarginplot(___,w)plots the worst-case margins at the frequencies specified byw.

  • Ifwis a cell array of the form{wmin,wmax}, then the plot shows the margins at frequencies ranging betweenwminandwmax.

  • Ifwis a vector of frequencies, then the plot shows the margins at each specified frequency.


wcdiskmarginplot(___,opts)uses specified options to customize plot elements, aspects of the worst-case margin computation, or both. Usediskmarginoptionsto specify customizations for the plot. UsewcOptionsto specify customizations for the computation. You can use this argument with any of the previous syntaxes.


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Plot the worst-case disk-based gain and phase margins of the following system:

L unc = 1 s 2 + a + 10 ( 1 + 0 . 1 Δ ) ,

whereais an uncertain real parameter with a nominal value of 1 and a range of 0.2–2, and Δ is a gain-bounded dynamic uncertainty.

a = ureal('a',1,'Range',[.2 2]); Delta = ultidyn('Delta',1); Lunc = tf(1,[1 a 10]) * (1+0.1*Delta); wcdiskmarginplot(Lunc) legend('location','SouthEast')

图包含2轴对象s. Axes object 1 with ylabel Gain margin (dB) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound). Axes object 2 with ylabel Phase margin (deg) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound).

TheWorst perturbationcurve corresponds to the combination of uncertain elements that yields the smallest disk margin across frequency. This perturbation corresponds to thewcuoutput ofwcdiskmargin.

TheWorst-case margin曲线显示磨破的上下界限t-case margins at each frequency. For any perturbation within the specified uncertainty range, the disk-based gain or phase margins of the perturbed system lie below theWorst-case margin(upper bound) curve. In other words, this curve is the envelope produced by finding the smallest margins within the uncertainty at each frequency. For this system, the lower and upper bounds are close enough to appear identical on the plot. (Seewcdiskmarginfor more information about these bounds.)

Focus the plot on the region between 0.5 and 10 rad/s.

w = {0.5,10}; wcdiskmarginplot(Lunc,w)

图包含2轴对象s. Axes object 1 with ylabel Gain margin (dB) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound). Axes object 2 with ylabel Phase margin (deg) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound).

Examine the effect on the worst-case margins of increasing the uncertainty range. To do this without changing the uncertainty specified inLunc, use theULeveloption ofwcOptions. This option scales the normalized uncertainty by the factor you specify. For example, examine the worst-case margins for a 50% greater uncertainty range.

opts = wcOptions('ULevel',1.5); wcdiskmarginplot(Lunc,w,opts)

图包含2轴对象s. Axes object 1 with ylabel Gain margin (dB) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound). Axes object 2 with ylabel Phase margin (deg) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound).

In this case, the gain and phase margins for the worst perturbation reach zero, and the worst margin at any frequency is also zero. This result means that extending the uncertainty range this far encompasses some perturbations that drive the closed-loop systemfeedback(Lunc,1)unstable.

Plot the worst-case disk margins as a function of frequency of a system with the following open-loop response.

a = ureal('a',10,'PlusMinus',[-4,4]); L = tf(25,[1 a a a]);

For the plot, use the default preferences specified in your Control System Toolbox preference, except specify the following attributes:

  • Frequency units: Hz

  • Gain margins on a log scale, in absolute units

  • Grid on

opts = diskmarginoptions('cstprefs'); opts.FreqUnits ='Hz'; opts.MagScale ='log'; opts.MagUnits ='abs'; opts.grid ='on'; w = {2*pi*1e-3,2*pi*10};% rad/swcdiskmarginplot(L,w,opts)

图包含2轴对象s. Axes object 1 with ylabel Gain margin (abs) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound). Axes object 2 with ylabel Phase margin (deg) contains 25 objects of type line. These objects represent Sampled uncertainty, Nominal, Worst perturbation, Worst-case margin (lower bound), Worst-case margin (upper bound).

The plot you obtain might differ in appearance, depending on your current Control System Toolbox preference settings. (SeeToolbox Preferences Editor.)

Input Arguments

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Open-loop response, specified as an uncertain model such as auss,ufrd,genss, orgenfrdmodel.Lcan be SISO or MIMO, as long as it has the same number of inputs and outputs.wcdiskmarginplotplots the worst-case disk-based gain and phase margins for the negative-feedback closed-loop systemfeedback(L,eye(N)).

To plot the worst-case margins of the positive feedback systemfeedback(L,eye(N),+1), usewcdiskmargin(-L).

IfLis a frequency-response data model (such asufrd), thenwcdiskmarginplotplots the margins at each frequency represented in the model.

Skew of uncertainty region used to compute the stability margins, specified as a real scalar. This parameter biases the uncertainty used to model gain and phase variations toward gain increase or gain decrease.

  • The defaultsigma= 0 uses a balanced model of gain variation in a range[gmin,gmax], withgmin = 1/gmax.

  • Positivesigmauses a model with more gain increase than decrease (gmin > 1/gmax).

  • Negativesigmauses a model with more gain decrease than increase (gmin < 1/gmax).

For more detailed information about how the choice ofsigmaaffects the margin computation, seeStability Analysis Using Disk Margins.

When plotting the gain margins of a dynamic system versus frequency, use the defaultsigma= 0 to get unbiased estimates of gain and phase margins. Forsigma= 0, the worst-case disk-based gain margin at each frequency is ±GM, whereGMis the value shown in the plot in dB.

If you have usedwcdiskmarginto obtain worst-case disk-based margins with some particularsigma, you can use this syntax to see the frequency dependence of the margins at thatsigmavalue. Forsigma≠ 0, plotted value isGM = min(gmax,1/max(0,gmin)). In other words, the plot shows the largest amount of gain change[1/GM,GM]that fits within the disk-based gain margin[gmin,gmax]of the system at the specifiedsigma.

Frequencies at which to plot stability margins, specified as the cell array{wmin,wmax}or as a vector of frequency values.

  • Ifwis a cell array of the form{wmin,wmax}, then the plot shows the margins at frequencies betweenwminandwmax.

  • Ifwis a vector of frequencies, then the plot shows the margins at each specified frequency. For example, uselogspaceto generate a row vector with logarithmically spaced frequency values.

Specify frequencies in units of rad/TimeUnit, whereTimeUnitis theTimeUnitproperty ofL.

Plot options, specified as:

  • Adiskmarginplotoptions set that you create withdiskmarginoptions. Use these options to customize aspects of plot appearance such as title, axis labels, and grids.

  • AwcOptionsoptions set. Use these options to customize aspects of the worst-case margins computation, such as scaling the uncertainty to examine the effect of smaller or larger uncertainty range without changing the uncertainty levels inLunc.

  • One of each type of options set, to specify both plot options and computation options. Separate the two options sets by a comma, as inwcdiskmarginplot(Lunc,w,plotops,compopts).

Version History

Introduced in R2020a