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Title Pages, Tables of Contents, Lists of Figures, Tables, and Captions

Generate a title page, a table of contents, or lists of figures, tables, or other report elements

You can use Report API reporters to generate a title page and a table of contents in a report. You can also use reporters to generate lists of the captions or titles of images, tables, and other report elements, such as equations.

Classes Title page reporter Table of contents reporter List of figures reporter List of tables reporter List of captions reporter
mlreportgen.dom.TOC Create placeholder for generating table of contents
mlreportgen.dom.LOF List of figures
mlreportgen.dom.LOT List of tables
mlreportgen.dom.LOC List of captions
mlreportgen.dom.Leader Leader character for PDF output


Create a Title Page

Add a title page to your report.

Create a Table of Contents

Add a table of contents to your report.

Create a List of Figures or Tables in a Report API Report

Add a list of figures or tables section to a report.

Create a List of the Captions or Titles of Related Report Elements in a Report API Report

Add a section to a Report API report for a list of related report elements, such as equations.

Create a List of Figures, Tables, or Other Report Elements in a DOM API Report

Add a list of figures, tables, or other report elements, such as equations, to a report.

Update a Table of Contents or Generated List in a Word Document

Update a Word document to generate the entries in a table of contents or list of figures, tables, or captions.


Table of Contents or Generated List Is Empty in a Word Report

解决一个empty table of contents or list of figures, tables, or captions.