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GPU Code Generation

Generate CUDA®code from MATLAB®code

在您开发您的应用程序使用信号公关ocessing Toolbox™, you can generate optimized CUDA code for NVIDIA®GPUs from MATLAB code. The code can be integrated into your project as source code, static libraries, or dynamic libraries, and can be used for prototyping on GPUs. You can use the generated CUDA code within MATLAB to accelerate computationally intensive portions of your MATLAB code in machine learning, deep learning, or other applications. You must haveMATLAB Coder™and GPU Coder™ to generate CUDA code.

For a list of functions that support GPU code generation, seeFunction List (GPU Code Generation).


GPU Coder Generate GPU code fromMATLABcode


codegen Generate C/C++ code fromMATLABcode
