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Extract SLX, SLXP, or MDL file description without loading file



d= Simulink.MDLInfo.getDescription(file)returns the description of the specified SLX, SLXP, or MDL file without loading the file.


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Get the description of thevdpmodel without loading it or creating a万博1manbetx仿真软件。MDLInfoobject for it.

d = Simulink.MDLInfo.getDescription('vdp')
d = 'The van der Pol Equation This is a simulation of a nonlinear second order system.'

Input Arguments

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Name of the SLX, SLXP, or MDL file, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

The file name can include a partial path, complete path, relative path, or no path. When you do not provide a path, the file extension is optional.

To avoid unexpected results caused by shadowed files that share a name, specify a fully qualified file name.




Example:万博1manbetx仿真软件。MDLInfo(“C: / mydir /我model.slx')

Data Types:char|string

Version History

Introduced in R2009b