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Stop DC motor connected to MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier




stop(dcmObj)stops the DC motor.


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Create a connection to the Nano Motor Carrier.

arduinoObj = arduino('/dev/ttyACM0','Nano33IoT','Libraries','MotorCarrier'); mcObj = motorCarrier(arduinoObj);

Create a connection to the DC motor M1.

dcmObj= dcmotor(mcObj,'M1')
dcmObj= DCMotor with properties: MotorNumber: 'M1' Running: 0 Speed: 0

Change the speed to 0.2, start the DC motor, and display the motor object.

dcmObj.Speed = 0.3; start(dcmObj); dcmObj
dcmObj= DCMotor with properties: MotorNumber: 'M1' Running: 1 Speed: 3.000000e-01

Stop the motor, and display the object.

stop(dcmObj); dcmObj
dcmObj= DCMotor with properties: MotorNumber: 'M1' Running: 0 Speed: 3.000000e-01

Input Arguments

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Connection to the DC Motor on MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier, specified as an object.

Version History
