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Code Generation

Use symbolic results in MATLAB®,万博1manbetx®,Simscape™, C, Fortran, and LaTeX

The results of symbolic computations are often used in numeric codes that exclusively use standard double-precision arithmetic. Symbolic Math Toolbox™ provides functions for generating MATLAB functions,万博1manbetxFunction blocks, and equations based on the Simscape language – directly from symbolic expressions.

With these functions, you can convert the result of your symbolic computations into functions based on numeric computation, ready to be used in other parts of your program. Using the generated MATLAB functions does not require a license for Symbolic Math Toolbox. You can also convert symbolic expressions into C, Fortran, MathML, and TeX code.


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matlabFunction 处理或符号表达式转换为函数file
matlabFunctionBlock Convert symbolic expression toMATLABfunction block
simscapeEquation Convert symbolic expressions toSimscapelanguage equations
symReadSSCParameters Load parameters fromSimscapecomponent
symReadSSCVariables Load variables fromSimscapecomponent
symWriteSSC Create newSimscapecomponent
ccode C code representation of symbolic expression
fortran Fortran representation of symbolic expression
latex LaTeX form of symbolic expression
mathml Generate MathML from symbolic expression
texlabel TeX representation of symbolic expression
