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Deep Learning Visualization

Plot training progress, assess accuracy, explain predictions, and visualize features learned by a network

Monitor training progress using built-in plots of network accuracy and loss. Investigate trained networks using visualization techniques such as Grad-CAM, occlusion sensitivity, LIME, and deep dream.


Deep Network Designer Design, visualize, and train deep learning networks


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analyzeNetwork Analyze deep learning network architecture
plot Plot neural network layer graph
activations Compute deep learning network layer activations
predict Predict responses using trained deep learning neural network
classify 使用训练分类数据深度学习神经network
predictAndUpdateState Predict responses using a trained recurrent neural network and update the network state
classifyAndUpdateState Classify data using a trained recurrent neural network and update the network state
resetState Reset state parameters of neural network
deepDreamImage Visualize network features using deep dream
occlusionSensitivity Explain network predictions by occluding the inputs
imageLIME Explain network predictions using LIME
gradCAM Explain network predictions using Grad-CAM
confusionchart Create confusion matrix chart for classification problem
sortClasses Sort classes of confusion matrix chart


ConfusionMatrixChart Properties Confusion matrix chart appearance and behavior
