Accelerate executable file speed

8 views (last 30 days)
Mubin R
Mubin R on 18 Aug 2021
Commented: Mubin R2021年9月8日
I'm new in matlab and also in programming. I have got an assignment from my internship to speed up an exe form of the matlab GUI. The GUI has lots of sub-folder and .m files. Currently it's fast when I run it with matlab, but if I change it to exe with matlab compiler it takes eternity to run. I have seen some solution on the internet to use "MCR_CACHE_ROOT", but no one from university or work knows about it. I have no idea, what it is and how to even start with it. Can anyone please explain it to me like I'm a 5 years old? I would be really grateful.
Mubin R
Mubin R 2021年9月8日
对不起,I sent you the wrong one. I wanted to post this one
set MCR_CACHE_ROOT="C:\Documents and Settings\Yair\Matlab Cache\"
I figured it out how to use it, but it didn't make the GUI that fast

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