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Vimal Rathod

Last seen: 6 mesi ago|Active since 2019


  • Revival Level 3
  • Knowledgeable Level 4
  • 3 Month Streak
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Persistent variables from Simulink to Matlab
Hi, You could refer to the following link to know mroe about how to export the simulink data from the model to the worksapce. ...

8 mesi ago | 0

Change the color of a line in a multilines plot when mouse over the particular line
Hi, Below is a link to a similar question, once you identify the line on the plot you could highlight it by increasing the 'Lin...

9 mesi ago | 0

Add context menu when LEFT click on button (app design)
Hi, You could try setting up 'HitTest' property of the Image to 'off' that way your UI could register its clicks and hopefully ...

9 mesi ago | 0

Paraboloid and Cylinder surface
Hi, From the given equations in your question the solution to the value would be (0,0) as the equation of cylinder creates a su...

9 mesi ago | 0

How can I plot a boundary between real and imaginary solutions in a 3D graph?
Hi, If you just want to connect points you could use the surf function on the x,y,z values obtained at the end. If you want to ...

9 mesi ago | 0

How can I interpolate a graph with 3 nodes?
Hi, For splines to work effectively, you have to pass more than one point. Instead of the for loop which you were using, you co...

9 mesi ago | 0


LSTM get percentage of each class
Hi, You could use "predict" function to predict indiviual prediction probabilities. You can multiply by 100 to get the percenta...

9 mesi ago | 1


Plotting a shapefile.
Hi, You could try using FaceAlpha property of mapshow to reduce the transparency of the polygons. Have a look at this example s...

9 mesi ago | 0


How to solve this error "Reference to non-existent field 'axes5".
Hi, you could get the handle of the GUI element specific to the tag using the following code. h = findobj('Tag','axes5') Refe...

9 mesi ago | 0

How to change the value in edit field and Simulink model constant at the same time in the app designer?
Hi, You could use the "ValueChangedFcn" callback to create a callback for the editfield in the app. Then in the callback code y...

9 mesi ago | 0

Simulink from first order equation (ode45)
Hi, Refer to the following link to know more about how to create simulink model for differential equations. Model Differential...

9 mesi ago | 0


Integration on both sides of the equation
Hi, You could refer to the following links to create two different integral expressions and equate them to make an equation wit...

9 mesi ago | 1


Solenoid - Integration of inductance L as a function of plunger position x
Hi Goutham, Few things I would like to point out are, you seem to be passing a lot of arguments to the ode45 function call whic...

9 mesi ago | 0

Bin data for 2 state model HMM
Hello, It isn't possible to run with your bin data as the HMM sequence must be 1 and 2 in case of two state model as this is ho...

9 mesi ago | 0

How do you perform correlation coefficient for every ten rows in a specific column of a matrix?
Hi, You could use the following snippet to find out correlation coefficient over every 10 rows of some specific column. r = ra...

9 mesi ago | 0

Equations of motion from simscap multi body
As of now there isn't any way to extract equations of motion from simscape multibody as it was designed to help users by abstrac...

9 mesi ago | 0

Profile Matlab System block in Simulink
Hello, Like you said, the Simulink profiler would not show MATLAB line-by-line profiling results - rather it will show the time...

9 mesi ago | 0

App Designer show mdl_twolink in UiAxes Component
Hi, I would recommend you to try using the plot without the twolink.plot function unless the twolink.plot function returns x,y ...

9 mesi ago | 0

Why can't i start the "androidFaceDetectionAndTracking"?
Hello, Few recommendation from myside based on the information you provided. 1) Verify the existance of the file which is to b...

9 mesi ago | 0

Cat and do recognition kaggle dataset and run out an error of imread
Hi, Most probably when such errors occurs the problem is usually in the file it is trying to parse. Try putting a breakpoint at...

9 mesi ago | 0

How to build a multiple output regression model?
Hi, Currently there might not be any function like 'fitrauto' for multi-response variable regression but you could create your ...

9 mesi ago | 0

I have completed the matlab onramp course, but its still showing 97% completed.What do I do?
Hi, Make sure you have green tick marks beside each item in the course content list, there might be a list item where you might...

9 mesi ago | 0

how to change the colorbar spacing
Hi, You could use the 'TickLabels' property of colorbar to put the labels which you need in the places where you would like to ...

9 mesi ago | 0

How to find area under graph between two points ?
Hi, If you would want to find area by specific points from array, you could use the indices of array to find the area. M = tra...

9 mesi ago | 0

setup data type in Matlab to export in SQL
Hi, You could refer to the following link for an example on specifing data type before insertion into table and there are other...

9 mesi ago | 2


Selection of a signal area to detect fixed point
You could use the "getsamples" function programmatically which returns subset of the timeseries in a specified time region. This...

9 mesi ago | 0


Plotting a circular region from a function
Below is a link to a similar question which might be of help to you. How can I plot the region for two inequalities? - MATLAB A...

9 mesi ago | 1


How to add error bars onto 3bar?
Hope this might be of help to you with plotting errorbars on 3d Bar Plot. 3D Bar Plot with Error Bars - File Exchange - MATLAB ...

9 mesi ago | 0

Overwrite single row excel information based on Unique ID in column data
Hi, You could use the find and strcmp functions to find the index where the name or uniqueIndex matches. newName = "Diana"; d...

9 mesi ago | 0

How to generate unmodulated train of pulses of certain pulse width, and certain pulse repetition frequency, with certain sampling frequency?
Hello, Have a look at the documentation link of pluse train, it provides various examples of how to tweak each variable to get ...

9 mesi ago | 0

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