MATLAB supports many data formats and file types, such as NetCDF, HDF, and USGS Landsat 8. These common formats are the currency by which data is exchanged among research scientists, data facilities, and even code-hosting sites such as GitHub and Dropbox.

在启动任何项目之前,您需要了解输入数据格式并选择目标输出格式。除了支持各种与地球科学相关的格万博1manbetx式外,MATLAB还支持许多通用数据交换格式和工具,例如CSV和Web服务。另外,您可以使用内置的MATLAB MAT文件格式。

Working with NetCDF NASA Data in MATLAB: An Exploration of Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature

Data Format and Web Service Support

MATLAB支万博1manbetx持各种标准文件格式,使您能够读取来自公共数据存储库的数据,例如USGS,NASA,NCAR/UCAR和IRIS托管的数据,以等待一些。您还可以直接从网络获取数据hardware and from sensors, including from your mobile phone and the IoT.

MATLAB Compatible Data and Tools


地震学:虹膜/DMC:IRIS的数据管理中心提供Irisfetch.m, a tool that lets MATLAB users access the seismology data that IRIS warehouses.

Radar Data at NCAR/UCAR – National Center for Atmospheric Research:MATLAB can easily read radar and lidar data (CfRadial) because it’s formatted as HDF5 and netCDF. EMERALD - The MATLAB Environment for Radar And Lidar Data, developed by scientists at NCAR/UCAR – includes a GUI for easy interaction and an API for tasks requiring programming.

USGS的ADCP数据处理工具箱:VMT (Velocity Mapping Toolbox), developed by USGS, enables you to process and visualize ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) data from rivers and other waterways to understand and explore fluid motion, acoustic backscatter, and bathymetry.

Earth and Environmental Data at DataONE: DataONE houses data and links to other repositories of data related to Earth and the environment. DataONE developed a MATLAB script for helping you work with data. It also enables you to track the provenance of the data to the MATLAB code that processed the data.

SEA-MAT – MATLAB Tools for Oceanographers:Originally collated by Woods Hole Science Center/USGS, SEA-MAT provides tools that help you use MATLAB to analyze oceanography data. The tools are written by MATLAB users in the oceanography community. Explore tools, add your own, and search for more tools for working with ocean data on GitHub and File Exchange.


Additional Formats:There are many more tools for reading data into MATLAB, such as code for readingTeledyne RDI文件, processed ADCP files, andBiosonics DTX digital echosounder data. Search Google for the data file type and MATLAB to find reading, writing, and processing code.