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Flight Parameters and Quaternion Math

Aerospace parameter calculations and quaternion math

Estimate aerodynamic flight parameters, such as airspeed, incidence and sideslip angles, Mach number, and relative pressure, density, and temperature ratios.

Use built-in quaternion functions to calculate their norm, modulus, natural logarithm, product, division, inverse, power, or exponential. You can also interpolate between two quaternions using the linear, spherical-linear, or normalized-linear methods.Aerospace Toolboxuses quaternions that are defined using the scalar-first convention.


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airspeed Airspeed from velocity
alphabeta Compute incidence and sideslip angles
correctairspeed Convert airspeeds between equivalent airspeed (EAS), calibrated airspeed (CAS), or true airspeed (TAS)
dpressure Compute dynamic pressure using velocity and density
machnumber Compute Mach number using velocity and speed of sound
rrdelta Compute relative pressure ratio
rrsigma Compute relative density ratio
rrtheta Compute relative temperature ratio
quatconj Calculate conjugate of quaternion
quatdivide Divide quaternion by another quaternion
quatexp Exponential of quaternion
quatinterp Quaternion interpolation between two quaternions
quatinv Calculate inverse of quaternion
quatlog Natural logarithm of quaternion
quatmod Calculate modulus of quaternion
quatmultiply Calculate product of two quaternions
quatnorm Calculate norm of quaternion
quatnormalize Normalize quaternion
quatpower Power of quaternion
quatrotate Rotate vector by quaternion
