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Troubleshoot code generation issues, improve code execution time, and reduce memory usage of generated code

Some of the most common reasons why GPU Coder™ generated code is not performing as expected are:

  • CUDA®内核不是创建。

  • Host to device and device to host memory transfers (cudaMemcpy) are throttling performance.

  • 没有足够的并行性或设备问题。

These topics elaborate on the common causes for these symptoms and describe how to utilize the built-in screener to detect these issues. You can find information on how to work around for these issues and generate more efficient CUDA code.


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GPU Coder Generate GPU code fromMATLABcode
GPU Environment Check Verify and set up GPU code generation environment


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codegen Generate C/C++ code fromMATLABcode
gpucoder OpenGPU Coderapp
gpucoder.profile Create an execution profile report for generated CUDA code
coder.gpu.kernel Pragma that mapsfor-loops to GPU kernels
coder.gpu.kernelfun Pragma that maps function to GPU kernels
coder.gpu.nokernel Pragma to disable kernel creation for loops


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coder.gpuConfig Configuration parameters forCUDAcode generation fromMATLABcode by usingGPU Coder
coder.CodeConfig Configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLABcode
coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig Configuration parameters for C/C++ code generation fromMATLABcode withEmbedded Coder
coder.gpuEnvConfig Create configuration object containing the parameters passed toCoder.CheckgPuinstallfor performing GPU code generation environment checks
