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MAC Modeling

Functions and configuration objects for 802.11™ MAC frame generation and parsing

WLAN Toolbox™ provides functions to create and parse 802.11 medium access control (MAC) frames. Use these functions to generate and decode control, management, data, and trigger frames.


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wlanMACFrame Generate WLAN MAC frame (MPDU or A-MPDU)
wlanMACFrameConfig Configure WLAN MAC frame
wlanMACManagementConfig Configure WLAN MAC management frame
wlanMACTriggerConfig Configure WLAN MAC trigger frame
wlanMACTriggerUserConfig Configure User Info field of WLAN MAC trigger frame
addIE Update MAC management frame with IE
addUserInfo Add User Info field to WLAN MAC trigger frame
wlanMSDULengths Calculate MSDU lengths
wlanAPEPLength Calculate APEP length in octets
wlanPSDULength Calculate PSDU length in octets
wlanAMPDUDeaggregate Deaggregate A-MPDU and extract MPDUs
wlanMPDUDecode Decode MPDU
displayIEs Display list of IEs in MAC management frame
pcapWriter PCAP file writer of protocol packets
pcapngWriter PCAPNG file writer of protocol packets
wlanPCAPWriter PCAP or PCAPNG file writer of WLAN MAC packets