
versión 1.2 (5.96 KB) por L Pir
Decodes a Json-file and returns a MATLAB-struct, suited for oder MATLAB versions (<2017)

39 descargas

Actualizada5 Aug 2021

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simple json-decode

simple_JsonDecode.mView simple_JsonDecode on File Exchange是一个json文件解析器用MATLAB编写的。它读取a json-file and returns the fields as a MATLAB-struct. This script is suited for oder MATLAB versions (<2017) In newer MATLAB versions, the 'jsondecode'-command should be available as a built-in function.
Advantage: No compilation needed!


simple_JsonDecode(jsonFilePath)orsimple_JsonDecodeto open a UI-menu for selecting a json file

Input:jsonFilePath: full path of json file

Assumed format of json-file:




expected output:

ans = struct with fields: Modality: 'MR' MagneticFieldStrength: 1.5000 ImagingFrequency: 63.7018 Manufacturer: 'Siemens' ManufacturersModelName: 'Symphony' BodyPartExamined: 'HEAD' PatientPosition: 'HFS' ProcedureStepDescription: 'head_general' MRAcquisitionType: '2D' SeriesDescription: 'localizer' ProtocolName: 'localizer' ScanningSequence: 'GR' SequenceVariant: 'SP'

See also:

For a robust and validated json-parser using the ECMA JSON syntax standard, please visit theJSONfunctionView simple_JsonDecode on File Exchange

If you are looking for a faster mexfile based version, please give a look at:matlab-json

Citar como

Lukas Pirpamer (2021). simple_JsonDecode (, GitHub. Retrieved June 21, 2021.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2021a
Compatible con la versión R2017a a la R2021a
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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