Ho i use Ambiguity function correctly?

Alex on 24 Dec 2013
Commented: jack luon 2 Sep 2020
Hello. I am gathering data for studying possibilities of passive multistatic radar for my graduating work. I am using RTL-SDR modules (hardware) and SDR# (software) for recording real radiosignal. It creates file with two data vectors for I and Q components of signal (real and imaginary). Formulas of Ambiguity function in all works i found related to my subject also uses both real and imaginary parts of signal.
1 Comment
jack lu
jack lu on 2 Sep 2020
Hi,Man. u can use real() or imag() function to get one vector of data, then use the ambgfun() to get the result, just help ambgfun(), then u will konw how to use the fuction.
now can u share the Scenario, its my graduate works, i'm build the Scenario. can u give some advices? thank u!!

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宏磊陈 on 26 Dec 2013
It will be great if you could somehow share your formula. In general, I and Q channel are often, like you said, the real and imaginary part of the signal, so you could consider to pass in I+1i*Q into the function, i.e.,

埃德姆 2015年11月17日
编辑:埃德姆 2015年11月17日
嗨,亚历克斯,You can also use RTL-SDR directly with MATLAB and Simulink using the Communications System Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio .

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