
Here's the string array:
incredients_list_tot = [(("Steak"),,,,((“西兰花”),,,,((“萝卜”),,,,(("Mushroom"),,,,(("Rice"...
((“红烧酱”),,,,((“三文鱼”),,,,(("Bok Choy"),,,,(("Potato"),,,,((“黄油”),,,,(("Heavy Cream"...
((“花生酱”),,,,(("Fruit"),,,,((“白洋葱”),,,,(("Tomato"),,,,(("Lettuce"),,,,(("Carne Asada Seasoning"),,,,...
(("Pork"),,,,(("Chicken Broth"),,,,((“培根”),,,,((“卷心菜”),,,,((“鸡”),,,,...
(("Tikka Masala"),,,,((“馕”),,,,(("Lentils"),,,,(("Penn Pot Roast"),,,,((“香肠”),,,,...
(("Shredded Cheese"),,,,(("Penne/Rotini"),,,,(("Garlic"),,,,((“切成丁的西红柿”),,,,(("Pasta Sauce"),,,,...
((“黑豆”),,,,(("Carne Asada Seasoning"),,,,(("Meatballs"),,,,((“奶酪片”),,,,(("Bread"),,,,...
((“番茄罐头”),,,,(("Canned Soup"),,,,((“ Mac和奶酪”),,,,((“热狗”),,,,((“冷冻薯条”),,,,...
ingredient_list_lunches = @(ing_tot_lunches)zeros([1 ing_tot_lunches]);
ing_tot_lunches = 0;
ingredient_list_dinners = @(ing_tot_dinners) zeros([1 ing_tot_dinners]);
ing_tot_dinners = 0;
And here's the code I'm using to add those strings to one list:
为了idx = 1:numel(lunches)
if午餐(1,idx)== prep_meals_list(1,1)%TK Steak
ing_tot_lunches = ing_tot_lunches + 6;
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,3));
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,4));
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,6));
Elseif午餐(1,idx)== prep_meals_list(1,2)%TK鲑鱼
ing_tot_lunches = ing_tot_lunches + 7;
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,8));
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,4));
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,3));
ingredient_list_lunches(idx) = (ingredients_list_tot(1,6));


克里斯·拉皮埃尔(Cris Lapierre)
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do with your anonymous functions.
此错误是因为您定义了匿名函数 ingredient_list_lunches 。但是,您将其视为一个变量,试图为其分配一个值。就像说 sin(5)= x when what you intend is x = sin(5)
As a function handle, you can use ingredient_list_lunches 就像您将要使用输入并捕获输出的任何其他功能一样。
f = @(x) sin(x);
% works
y = f(pi/2)
y = 1
f(1) =“ 5”
Unable to perform assignment because value of type 'string' is not convertible to 'function_handle'.

Too many output arguments.

史蒂文·洛德(Steven Lord)
incredients_list_tot = [(("Steak"),,,,((“西兰花”),,,,((“萝卜”),,,,(("Mushroom"),,,,(("Rice"...
((“红烧酱”),,,,((“三文鱼”),,,,(("Bok Choy"),,,,(("Potato"),,,,((“黄油”),,,,(("Heavy Cream"...
((“花生酱”),,,,(("Fruit"),,,,((“白洋葱”),,,,(("Tomato"),,,,(("Lettuce"),,,,(("Carne Asada Seasoning"),,,,...
(("Pork"),,,,(("Chicken Broth"),,,,((“培根”),,,,((“卷心菜”),,,,((“鸡”),,,,...
(("Tikka Masala"),,,,((“馕”),,,,(("Lentils"),,,,(("Penn Pot Roast"),,,,((“香肠”),,,,...
(("Shredded Cheese"),,,,(("Penne/Rotini"),,,,(("Garlic"),,,,((“切成丁的西红柿”),,,,(("Pasta Sauce"),,,,...
((“番茄罐头”),,,,(("Canned Soup"),,,,((“ Mac和奶酪”),,,,((“热狗”),,,,((“冷冻薯条”),,,,...
%我trimmed the duplicate ("Carne Asada Seasoning")
食谱={[1 2 6],...百分比与西兰花
[15 16 20 35 36],...% BLT with cheese
食谱=1×2cell array
{[1 2 6]} {[15 16 20 35 36]}
shoppingList = [ingredients_list_tot(recipe{1}), ingredients_list_tot{recipe{2}}].'
shoppingList =8×1 string array
"Steak" "Broccoli" "Teriyaki Sauce" "Tomato" "Lettuce" "Bacon" "Cheese Slices" "Bread"
或者,您可能想建立一个 containser.map or a table 。This has the benefit of being able to specify dishes and/or ingredients in various orders and to use those names to update the recipes at the expense of taking up more room (number of ingredients times number of dishes, even if you only had two dishes that between them use only eight out of the 45 ingredients.
recipeTable = array2table(zeros(numel(ingredients_list_tot), 2),...
'variablenames',,,,["beef with broccoli",,,,"BLT with cheese"],...
% Add recipes to the list
conteTable {[[126],"beef with broccoli"}= 1;% Steak, Broccoli, Teriyaki Sauce
conteTable {[["Tomato",,,,"Lettuce",,,,“培根”,,,,“奶酪片”,,,,"Bread"], 2} = 1;% BLT with cheese
%我'm including some ingredients not in either dish for demonstration of
% what the table looks like
disp(recipeTable([1 2 5 6 15 16 20 35 36 37], :))
beef with broccoli BLT with cheese __________________ _______________ Steak 1 0 Broccoli 1 0 Rice 0 0 Teriyaki Sauce 1 0 Tomato 0 1 Lettuce 0 1 Bacon 0 1 Cheese Slices 0 1 Bread 0 1 Canned Tomato Bisque 0 0
bltcheese = reperetable(reperetable。(("BLT with cheese")== 1,"BLT with cheese"
bltcheese =5×1桌
BLT with cheese _______________ Tomato1生菜1Bacon1奶酪片1Bread1
shopplist = bltcheese.properties.lownames
shoppingList =5×1 cell array
{'Tomato' } {'Lettuce' } {'Bacon' } {'Cheese Slices'} {'Bread' }

s manbetx 845



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