Applying a single function to many files in one folder.

1 view (last 30 days)
I am trying to apply a function to many files in a single folder. I assume I need to use a loop to go through the folder and process the files, but Im not certain which command recalls said folder. Once the data has been moved through, I want the refined data to be stored into a separate folder (we'll call this Folder B). I then want to run a function which goes through Folder B and applies commands such as mean/standard deviation of the data.
Stephen23 on 2 Sep 2021
Pick a suitable function for your file format (e.g. REDATABLE or READMATRIX) and follow the examples in the documentation:

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Answers (1)

Jan on 2 Sep 2021
FolderIn ='D:\Your\Folder';
FolderOut ='D:\Your\B'
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder,'*.mat');
foriFile = 1:numel(FileList)
File = fullfile(Folder, FileList(iFile).name);
Data = load(File);
% Now do what you want with the data
NewData = Data;
save(fullfile(FolderOut, FileList(iFile).name),'NewData','-struct');

s manbetx 845

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