Simbiology, trigger change in reaction rate

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Michael on 13 Dec 2015
Answered: Michaelon 13 Dec 2015
Hi everyone, this feels like it should be easy, but I can't figure it out.
I have a simple reaction A-->B following a given custom reaction rate. I want to add a delay. Using the event trigger I tried two approaches:
  1. time<1800 B=0
  2. time<1800 Imax=0 (Imax is the reaction rate)
However, in both cases the reaction is evaluated as if nothing ever changed. Any suggestions? What am I missing? (for completeness, in the actual model there are upstream components that funnel into A)
Cheers, Michael

Accepted Answer

Michael on 13 Dec 2015
Okay, seemingly it only works the other way round.
set the initial value of a parameter to 0 and then:
time>1800 then parameter=new_value
Furthermore, if you want to conditionally compare a quantity different from time one needs to multiply with another parameter equal to one that has the respective unit.
Example: let the unit of X be 'Molarity', then then the event has to look like this:
X>10000*unit_parameter unit_parameter is a globally defined parameter of value 1 with the unit 'Molarity'

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