Integrating velocity data with cumtrapz()

21 views (last 30 days)
Fabian Gock
Fabian Gock on 19 Jun 2018
Answered: Fabian Gockon 19 Jun 2018
I have a quite long vector with the longitudinal velocity data of a car. As it only drives forward, there are no negative values. However, when I integrate the vector using cumtrapz() the calculated data which are supposed to be the traveled distance, are also decreasing and even becoming negative.
Used Timestamps for cumtrapz are 0:0.01:59.53 The velocity vector is attached.
Thanks in advance! -Fabian
1 Comment
Adam on 19 Jun 2018
Seems to work fine for me:
x = 0:0.01:59.53;
Q = cumtrapz( x, chassis_velocity_longitudinal );
figure; plot( x, Q )

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Answers (1)

Fabian Gock
Fabian Gock on 19 Jun 2018
Oh god, I accidentally switched time and velocity.. Sorry for this embarrassing question and thanks for the quick help!
Kind regards -Fabian

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