Create Error bar and title into the bar chart

6 views (last 30 days)
Megan 2020年2月19日
Commented: Adam Danz on 14 May 2020
Hi guys
I have a bar chart and I want to add a error bar. But I dont know how to do that.
I have added my data set and this is my bar chart:
scaleSelection = strcmp(scale,'like');% use strcmp(), not "==".
bardata = MeanVariantSvelocity(scaleSelection);
bh = bar(barData);
黑洞。FaceColor ='flat';
% Find which bars have velocity==50
velocitySelection = velocity == 50;
velocityBarIdx = ismember(find(scaleSelection), find(velocitySelection));
% Choose two colors
barColors = [0 0 1; 1 0 1];
%颜色vel = 50 bar
cmap = barColors(velocityBarIdx+1,:);
黑洞。CData =提出;
[vgroup, vg] = findgroups (clean_ds.variants);
title = ('like');
% % add x tick labels
ax = bh.Parent;
ax.XTick = 1:numel(barData);
ax.xticklabel = vg;
ax.TickLabelInterpreter ='none';
xtickangle(ax, 45)% or try 90 degrees
my title is also not working.
Do you guys can help me?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 14 May 2020
Hi guys
I have a bar chart and I want to add a error bar. But I dont know how to do that.
I have added my data set and this is my bar chart:
scaleSelection = strcmp(scale,'like');% use strcmp(), not "==".
bardata = MeanVariantSvelocity(scaleSelection);
bh = bar(barData);
黑洞。FaceColor ='flat';
% Find which bars have velocity==50
velocitySelection = velocity == 50;
velocityBarIdx = ismember(find(scaleSelection), find(velocitySelection));
% Choose two colors
barColors = [0 0 1; 1 0 1];
%颜色vel = 50 bar
cmap = barColors(velocityBarIdx+1,:);
黑洞。CData =提出;
[vgroup, vg] = findgroups (clean_ds.variants);
title = ('like');
% % add x tick labels
ax = bh.Parent;
ax.XTick = 1:numel(barData);
ax.xticklabel = vg;
ax.TickLabelInterpreter ='none';
xtickangle(ax, 45)% or try 90 degrees
my title is also not working.
Do you guys can help me?

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Answers (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020年2月19日
Edited:Adam Danz 2020年2月19日
Here's a simple demo you can follow to add errorbars to your bar plot.
If you get stuck applying that demo, share what you've got and I'd be happy to get you over the hump.
To fix the title problem
title('like');%not title =('like');

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