How to sum frequency of the duplicate value in an array

2 views (last 30 days)
JONATHAN SOARES on 15 Feb 2021
Commented: Walter Roberson on 15 Feb 2021
I have a n-dimensional array that I want to sum in a specifc dimension according to an index array, where I want to sum repeated indexes.
new_A=arrayfun(@(x) sum(A(:,. . .,Index==x,. . .,:),n),new_index,'UniformOutput',false);
where n is the applied dimension.
It is doind the job very well, the problem is I need to use this property to false.
and when using with codegen I get this error:
??? For code generation, UniformOutput must be true.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Feb 2021
arrayfun() is a loop, just a disguised one.
If you are trying to avoid using arrayfun() thinking that using arrayfun() would surely be faster than using an explicit loop, then you would probably be disappointed when you did timing tests: except for some obscure legacy operations, arrayfun() is typically slower than an explicit loop.

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