MDF read() function adds a suffix to field names

2 views (last 30 days)
Anthony Martin
Anthony Martin on 29 Mar 2021
Commented: Lexi Crommett on 9 Apr 2021
When using the read the mdf() function from the Vehicle Network Toolbox, a random suffix is added to the end of the field names.
例:“variable" channel is created as the field "variable_suffix"
Is there a way to access those field by only knowing the variable name (without knowing the random suffix)?
Or is it possible to stop that suffix to appear?
1 Comment
Lexi Crommett
Lexi Crommett on 9 Apr 2021
Can you share how you are calling the read function and what version of MATLAB you are using?
Also, does your file have duplicate channel names (as that may explain why this is happening)? Can you give any more information about what the suffix is? Is it a number or a channel group name or something else?

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