dpigen: "??? Error evaluating the post-code-generation command"

7 views (last 30 days)
I'm running into this error message after running dpigen on my function. I'm not sure what to look for since there is no line number attached to the error message. I've seen this issue for a different "Cause by" as well for class 'coder.types.', but didn't have a sure fire way of debugging it. Is there any useful information I can extract from this to help me resolve my issue.
??? Errorevaluating the post-code-generation command.
Unrecognizedmethod, property, orfield 'Elements' for class 'coder.types.Matrix'.
Errorduring Codeinfo generation.
1 Comment
Tianqi Liu
Tianqi Liu on 4 May 2021
Hi Alvin,
It seems that there is a bug in dpigen while parsing the code info. Can you provide a simple example that produces this error? So that we can reproduce this issue on our side and have a further investigation on it.

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