How to acquire data and generate signals at the same time using ni-daq on session-based interface

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Mingu Kang
Mingu Kang on 7 Jul 2021
Edited: Mingu Kangon 7 Jul 2021
Hi all,
I've tried search how can I use input and output simultaneously using ni-daq.
But I don't have any background knowledge about device and daq toolbox, Only can do analog input and output separately.
I have used session-based interface and my ni-daq model is usb-6356.
I want to make my system,whenever ni-daq get external trigger signal, transmit signal and acquire signal simultaneously.
Is there any function acquire data and generate signals at the same time on session based interface?
And how can I make the system do analog input and analog output whenever daq get external trigger?

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