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Kinect Matlab

version (6.22 MB) by Dirk-Jan Kroon
Microsoft Kinect, OpenNI wrapper, Skeleton, Depth



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This zip-file contains c++ wrapper functions for the Microsoft Kinect, OpenNI 1.* and OpenNI 2.* libary.
此代码与Matlab 32bit和64位,Windows,MacOS和Linux兼容。

Note!, OpenNI 2.* only depth/video stream support.

To compile the code to mex-files use the Microsoft Visual Studio (Express) or MacOS/Linux Gcc (x64/x86) C++ compiler.

To use OpenNI version 1.* install:
- OpenNI
- nite
- SensorKinect093 v5.1.2.1

To use OpenNI version 2.* install:
- OpenNI 2.2.0
- Nite 2.2.0.
- Microsoft KinectSDK v1.7

Start Matlab, go to OpenNi1 or OpenNI2 and execute compile_cpp_files. Now the mex-files are ready to use.

- Example : Will load an recorded Kinect file, and show the depth and image movie.

- ExampleIR : Will connect to your Kinect Hardware, and show a high-res IR image.

- 检查程序:将显示IR参考和测量之间的差异,ROI的深度等于投资回报率之间的电流和测量。该深度可以使用水平的“倾斜和缩放”不变标准化交叉相关(包括版本不变)计算。

- ExampleSK : Will show Skeleton tracking on recorded Kinect movie.

- ExampleRW: Will show a depth surface overlay-ed with the photo-camera stream in real-world coordinates (mm)

- ExampleCP : Will capture the Kinect streams to a file

Cite As

Dirk-Jan Kroon (2021).Kinect Matlab(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.