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Uniformly distributed random overlapping spheres

version 1.0.1 (4.62 KB) by Povilas Vaitukaitis
Used to create porous media for Lattice Boltzmann simulations


Updated01 Oct 2020

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Creates uniformly distributed random spheres which could be overlapping or not. Calculates following properties: pore connectivity, porosity, specific surface area, pore diameter, surface roughness (this one might not work properly). Plots 3D pore network, spheres, pores. Can add 3rd phase (water droplet), add extra space on top of porous media, record matrix to txt file.

Cite As

Povilas Vaitukaitis (2022).Uniformly distributed random overlapping spheres(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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