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Mars CubeSat Descent and Impact Simulation

version (4.97 KB) by Rodrigo Santos Valente da Costa
This code simulates the descent and impact of a payload in Mars atmosphere.


Updated09 Jul 2016

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The code numerically simulates and animates the descent of a payload in Mars atmosphere. It considers the change in gravity and density of the air depending on the altitude and the deployment of a parachute system. By the end of the simulation, the program tells you if the payload would survive the impact with the ground or not. The code can be easily edited in order to allow simulation in other types of atmosphere as well as other parachute/payload configurations.
In the animation, blue means the parachute was deployed, green means the payload survived the landing impact and red means it did not survive.

Finally, the code saves the animation to an .avi file.

Cite As

Rodrigo Santos Valente da Costa (2022).Mars CubeSat Descent and Impact Simulation(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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