
ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Live Seismic Traffic Monitoring with ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and Raspberry Shake

我们已经建立了一种新方法来监视流量,并在此过程中使用MATLAB进行了一些意外的发现。您可能熟悉Thingspeaktraffic monitor channelthat uses a image processing from a webcam to count cars on a busy highway. My friends and collaborators艾伦·卡夫卡(Alan Kafka)在韦斯顿天文台,波士顿学院和杰·Pulli at Raytheon let me know that we might be able to verify the traffic data with seismic analysis. So, we bought aRaspberryHake®地震仪and set it up on the ground floor three floors below the traffic monitor. Here’s a picture of the device at its home in the MathWorks Headquarters and a snapshot of the filtered seismic data compared to the traffic data.

The “Shake” already makes the data available in the cloud. But with ThingSpeak, I can to set up an automated process that filters the raw data and plots it with the traffic data. Now I can查看比较数据whenever I need to and verify predictions with live data. For example, I can see there is a correlation of an increase in the traffic intensity during rush hour. Recently, during a big snowfall, I was able to verify seismic data (from the snowplows) correlated to lower traffic numbers (from travelers staying off the road.)

Here’s the process for getting this going, with a few code hints (not the full script though).

  1. Use theFSDN RESTful webservices API要读取MATLAB中的数据,然后将其过滤至1秒钟或更少的分辨率,以便将其写入ThingsPeak通道。
urlquery = ...'https://data.raspberryshake.org/fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?starttime = 2022-02-28T00:30:00&endtime = 2022-02-28T01:00:00:00:00:00data = webread(urlquery);

2.如果您使用过MATLABAnalysis在Things peak中,您可以设置一个时间控制定期获取数据;我选择了5分钟,因此数据快到了。


myData = thingSpeakRead(channelID,'dateRange',[startTime,endTime],'outputformat','timetable');

The seismic data does generally mimic the traffic data but there is not 100% correlation. One reason may be that trucks driving by at night may make large seismic events but show up as only one count in the webcam data. Another issue is that the distance from the road to the seismic detector is at least 100 m, over which many of the ground vibrations may dampen or scatter. Last the building vibrations are still present somewhat in the comparison data.

该建筑物发出了很多噪音,因此为带通滤波器选择正确的频率对于获取良好的比较数据很重要。由于该处理是在MATLAB中完成的,因此很容易生成FFT spectrumand compare nighttime data (when there are fewer cars) to daytime data, perhaps in rush hour, when the traffic is highest. Here is a comparison of频谱在高峰时段开始和半夜。



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