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Map Axes

Define map axes; set map axes properties


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axesm Create map axes
usamap Construct map axes for United States of America
worldmap Construct map axes for given region of world
previewmap View map at printed size
showaxes Toggle display of map coordinate axes
axesmui Define map axes and modify map projection and display properties
gcm Current map projection structure
getm Map object properties
供应管理协会(ism)ap True for axes with map projection
paperscale Set figure properties for printing at specified map scale
setm Set properties of map axes and graphics objects
clma Clear current map axes
clmo Clear specified graphics objects from map axes
handlem Handles of displayed map objects
handlem-ui GUI for selecting mapped objects
hidem Hide specified graphic objects on map axes
供应管理协会(ism)apped True, if object is projected on map axes
namem Names of graphics objects
showm Specify graphic objects to display on map axes
tagm SetTagproperty of map graphics object


Display Maps Using Map Axes

Change Projection of Map

  • Switch Between Projections
    You can change the map projection. Usually the new map projection displays the same part of the world, and you can adjust the map axes properties to refine the map appearance.
  • Reprojection of Graphics Objects
    Many objects on a map axes can be automatically reprojected based on changes to the map projection or to some map axes properties.
  • Change Map Projections Using geoshow
    You can display geospatial data on a regular axes, not a map axes, using a linear mapping of longitude and latitude to x- and y-coordinates.