如何使用2forloop in matlab?

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I have a Mat-file. My Mat-file have 204 length. How can i just get from length 1 to 51 from my Mat-file? How can i use another forloop in my code to get i = 1 till i = 51? This is my code.
a = 0;
m = matfile('elm_output.mat');
output = m.output;
fori = 1:length(output)
ifoutput(i) == 1
a = a+1;

Accepted Answer

Bhaskar R
Bhaskar R on 17 Mar 2020
required = output(1:51);
Muhammad Andi Yusran
Muhammad Andi Yusran on 17 Mar 2020
Yes Mr. Bhaskar, but i can figure it out now. Thanks for your attention sir. Thank you so much.

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