




score= bfscore(预言,地面)computes the BF (Boundary F1) contour matching score between the predicted segmentation in预言以及真正的细分地面.预言地面can be a pair of logical arrays for binary segmentation, or a pair of label or categorical arrays for multiclass segmentation.

[score,精确,记起] = bfscore(预言,地面)还返回预言image compared to the地面图片。

[___] = bfscore(预言,地面,临界点)computes the BF score using a specified threshold as the distance error tolerance, to decide whether a boundary point has a match or not.


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Read an image with an object to segment. Convert the image to grayscale, and display the result.

一个= imread('hands.jpg');i = im2gray(a);图IMShow(i)标题('Original Image')

图包含一个轴对象。The axes object with title Original Image contains an object of type image.

Use the active contours (snakes) method to segment the hand.

mask = false(size(i));蒙版(25:End-25,25:End-25)= true;bw = activeContour(i,mask,300);


bw_groundTruth = imread('hands1 mask.png');

Compute the BF score of the active contours segmentation against the ground truth.

相似性= bfscore(bw,bw_groundTruth);

Display the masks on top of each other. Colors indicate differences in the masks.

figure imshowpair(BW, BW_groundTruth) title(['BF Score = 'num2str(相似性)])

图包含一个轴对象。标题BF分数= 0.76266的轴对象包含一个类型图像的对象。


Read an image with several regions to segment.

rgb = imread('yellowlily.jpg');


区域1 = [350 700 425 120];% [x y w h] formatbw1 = false(size(rgb,1),大小(RGB,2));BW1(区域1(2):区域1(2)+区域1(4),区域1(1):区域1(1)+区域1(3))= true;区域2 = [800 1124 120 230];bw2 = false(size(rgb,1),大小(RGB,2));BW2(区域2(2):区域2(2)+区域2(4),区域2(1):region2(1)+reignes2(3))= true;区域3 = [20 1320 480 200;1010 290 180 240];bw3 = false(size(rgb,1),大小(RGB,2));BW3(区域3(1,2):区域3(1,2)+区域3(1,4),区域3(1,1):区域3(1,1)+区域3(1,3))= true;BW3(区域3(2,2):区域3(2,2)+区域3(2,4),区域3(2,1):区域3(2,1)+区域3(2,3))= true;

Display the seed regions on top of the image.




L = imseggeodesic(RGB,BW1,BW2,BW3,'AdaptiveChannelWeighting',true);

Load a ground truth segmentation of the image.

l_groundTruth = double(imread(imread)('yellowlily-segmented.png'));

Visually compare the segmentation results with the ground truth.

figure imshowpair(label2rgb(L),label2rgb(L_groundTruth),'montage') 标题('Comparison of Segmentation Results (Left) and Ground Truth (Right)')


Compute the BF score for each segmented region.

similarity = bfscore(L, L_groundTruth)
similarity =3×10.7992 0.5333 0.7466

The BF score is noticeably smaller for the second region. This result is consistent with the visual comparison of the segmentation results, which erroneously classifies the dirt in the lower right corner of the image as leaves.

Input Arguments

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预测分割,指定为2-D或3-D逻辑,数字或分类array. If预言is a numeric array, then it represents a label array and must contain nonnegative integers of data typedouble.

Data Types:logical|double|分类

Ground truth segmentation, specified as a 2-D or 3-D logical, numeric, or分类大小和数据类型的数组与预言. If地面is a numeric array, then it represents a label array and must contain nonnegative integers of data typedouble.

Data Types:logical|double|分类



Data Types:double

Output Arguments

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BF分数,作为数字标量或向量返回,值在[0,1]中。一个score1表示相应类中对象的轮廓预言地面are a perfect match. If the input arrays are:

  • logical arrays,scoreis a scalar and represents the BF score of the foreground.

  • label or categorical arrays,scoreis a vector. The first coefficient inscoreis the BF score for the first foreground class, the second coefficient is the score for the second foreground class, and so on.





More About

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BF (Boundary F1) Score

The BF score measures how close the predicted boundary of an object matches the ground truth boundary.


score= 2 *精确*记起/ (记起+精确)


[1] Csurka, G., D. Larlus, and F. Perronnin. "What is a good evaluation measure for semantic segmentation?"Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference,2013年,第32.1-32.11页。

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

See Also
