




This object requires that you have Deep Learning Toolbox™.


当您使用RandompatchExtractionDatastore作为训练数据的来源,数据存储在每个时期从每个图像中提取多个随机补丁,因此每个时期都使用略有不同的数据集。每个时期的训练补丁的实际数量是训练图像的数量乘以PatchesPerImage。这image patches are not stored in memory.




补丁= randomPatchExtractionDatastore(ds1,ds2,PatchSize)创建一个数据存储,以提取随机位置的大小贴片PatchSizefrom input data in datastoreds1和response data in datastoreds2

补丁= randomPatchExtractionDatastore(ds1,ds2,PatchSize,Name,Value)uses name-value pairs to set thePatchesPerImage,数据调整, 和dispatchinbackgroundproperties. You can specify multiple name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in quotes.

例如,RandompatchExtractionDatastore(IMDS1,IMDS2,50,“ PatchEsperimage”,40)创建一个数据存储,该数据存储从图像数据存储中的每个图像中随机生成40个大小50乘50像素的补丁imds1imds2

Input Arguments


输入数据containing training input to the network, specified as anImageDatastore,PixelLabelDatastore(计算机视觉工具箱), 或者变换的达塔斯托尔

指定PixelLabelDatastorerequires Computer Vision Toolbox™.



Response data representing the desired network responses, specified as anImageDatastore,PixelLabelDatastore(计算机视觉工具箱), 或者变换的达塔斯托尔。如果指定变换的达塔斯托尔,那么基础数据存储必须是ImageDatastore或者aPixelLabelDatastore







补丁大小, specified as one of the following.

  • 2D斑块的正整数的2元素向量。PatchSize具有[rc] 在哪里r指定行的数量和c指定补丁中的列数。

  • A 3-element vector of positive integers for 3-D patches.PatchSize具有[rcp] 在哪里rspecifies the number of rows,cspecifies the number of columns, andp指定补丁中的平面数。

每个图像的随机补丁数, specified as a positive integer.

应用于输入图像的预处理,指定为imageDataAugmenter(深度学习工具箱)object or'none'。When数据调整is'none',没有预处理应用于输入图像。

增强具有随机转换的数据,例如调整,旋转和反射,以防止网络过度拟合和记住训练数据的确切细节。这RandompatchExtractionDatastoreapplies the same random transformation to both patches in each pair. The datastore augments data in real-time while training.

数据调整property is not supported for 3-D data. To preprocess 3-D data, use the转换功能。

Dispatch observations in the background during training, prediction, or classification, specified asfalse或者真的。要使用背景调度,您必须具有并行计算工具箱™。

Number of observations that are returned in each batch. You can change the value ofMiniBatchSizeonly after you create the datastore. For training, prediction, and classification, theMiniBatchSize属性设置为定义的迷你批量大小训练(深度学习工具箱)


Total number of observations in theRandompatchExtractionDatastore。观察的数量是一个训练时期的长度。

Object Functions

结合 Combine data from multiple datastores
hasdata Determine if data is available to read
数字 数据存储分区的数量
分割 分区数据存储
分割ByIndex 分割RandompatchExtractionDatastoreaccording to indices
预习 Preview subset of data in datastore
读all 在数据存储中读取所有数据
ReadByIndex Read data specified by index fromRandompatchExtractionDatastore
重置 将数据存储重置为初始状态
shuffle Shuffle data in datastore
转换 Transform datastore
可以分配 确定数据存储是否可以分区
isShuffleable Determine whether datastore is shuffleable


collapse all


imageDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('图片'),'imdata');imds1 = imageDatastore(imageDir,“ fileextensions','.jpg');

创建一个second datastore that transforms the images inimds1通过应用高斯模糊。

imds2 = transform(imds1,@(x)imgaussfilt(x,2));


增强器= iMagedataaugmenter('randrotation',[0 90],“ Randxfellection”,真的)
augmenter =属性属性:fillvalue:0 randxreflection:1 randyreflection:0 randrotation:[0 90] randscale:[1 1] randxscale:[1 1] randyscale:[1 1] [1 1] randxshear:[1] randxshear:[0] randyshear:[0] randyshear:[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00士面的人] randxtranslation:[0 0] randytranslation:[0 0]

创建一个RandompatchExtractionDatastore从未加工的训练图像和相应的平滑响应图像中提取大小100 x 100的随机斑块的对象。通过设置数据调整property.

patchds = randompatchextractiondatastore(imds1,imds2,[100 100],...'DataAugmentation',augmenter)
补丁= randomPatchExtractionDatastore with properties: PatchesPerImage: 128 PatchSize: [100 100] DataAugmentation: [1×1 imageDataAugmenter] MiniBatchSize: 128 NumObservations: [] DispatchInBackground: 0

Preview a set of augmented image patches and the corresponding smoothed image patches.

minibatch = preview(patchds); inputs = minibatch.InputImage; responses = minibatch.ResponseImage; test = cat(2,inputs,responses); montage(test','尺寸',[8 2]) title(“输入(左)和响应(右)”)


datadir = fullfile(toolboxDir(工具箱)('vision'),'VisionData',“三角形图”);imageDir = fullfile(dataDir,'trainingImages');imds = imagedatastore(ImageDir);


classNames = [“三角形”,“背景”]; labelIDs = [255 0]; labelDir = fullfile(dataDir,“训练标签”);pxds = pixelLabelDatastore(labelDir,classNames,labelIDs);

创建一个随机的补丁提取数据存储,以从图像和相应的像素标签中提取大小32 x-32像素的随机补丁。设置可选PatchesPerImage从每个图像和像素标签对中提取512个随机补丁的属性。

patchds = randompatchextractiondatastore(imds,pxds,32,...“ patchesperimage',512);


layers = [imageInputlayer([32 32 1])卷积2Dlayer(3,64,'填充',1)relulayer()maxpooling2dlayer(2,'Stride',2)卷积2Dlayer(3,64,,'填充',1)relulayer()transposedconv2dlayer(4,64,,'Stride',2,“种植”,1) convolution2dLayer(1,2) softmaxLayer() pixelClassificationLayer() ]
层= 10x1层阵列,带有层:1''图像输入32x32x1图像,带有“ zerecenter”归一化2''卷积64 3x3卷积,步幅[1 1]和填充[1 1 1 1] 3'''''relu 4''max'合并2x2 max plies [2 2]和填充[0 0 0 0] 5''卷积64 3x3卷积,步幅[1 1]和填充[1 1 1 1] 6'6''relu Relu 7''''''''''4x4跨步卷积[2 2]并输出裁剪[1 1] 8''卷积2 1x1卷积,步幅[1 1]和填充[0 0 0 0 0] 9''softmax softmax softmax 10''像素分类层交叉 -熵损失

设置培训选项。为了减少训练时间,请设置Maxepochsto 5.

选项=训练('sgdm',...'InitialLearnRate',1E-3,...“ maxepochs”,5,...“冗长”,错误的);

Train the network.

net = trainnetwork(patchds,layers,options);


  • RandompatchExtractionDatastoreexpects that the output from the在输入数据存储上的操作返回相同大小的数组。

  • If the input datastore is anImageDatastore, then the values in its标签property are ignored by theRandompatchExtractionDatastore

  • 可视化2-D数据RandompatchExtractionDatastore,您可以使用预习函数,返回表中的数据子集。通过使用montage功能。例如,此代码显示图像补丁的预览RandompatchExtractionDatastorecalled补丁

    minibatch = preview(patchds); montage(minibatch.InputImage)

Version History

Introduced in R2018b