Deep Learning


Deep Learning Examples: R2020a Edition

每年有两个版本,您可能会发现它查尔lenging to keep up with the latest features.* In fact, some people who work here feel the same way! This release, I asked the Product Managers about the new features related to deep learning that they think you should know about in release 20a. Here are their responses:

Deep Learning

  1. Experiment Manager(new) - A new app that keeps track all conditions when training neural networks. This can be extremely helpful to keep track of all training parameters, data and accuracy of each iteration of the network. More to come on this feature in future posts!
  2. Deep Network Designer(更新) - 从应用程序生成MATLAB代码,并直接在应用程序中培训网络。
  3. 训练后量化(新) - 这个新视频描述MATLAB中的量化工作流程。


GPU Coder
  • Support for new networks including:
    • LSTM for ARM CPUs
    • Darknet-19,Darknet-53,Densenet-2011,Inpection-Resnet-V2,Nasnet-large,Nasnet-Mobile,Resnet-18和Intel&Arm Cpus的X CPUS


Audio Processing
  • 展示如何训练和评估的新示例用于生成合成音频的gan。这突出了深度学习工具箱中最近发布的API,其中包括自定义培训循环
  • New example discussing the use ofI-vectors for Speaker Verification。I-vectors are a very popular modern feature often used on audio signals. They are used with deep networks as well as with more traditional machine learning algorithms in lightweight embedded systems
  • NewdetectSpeechfunction to automatically detect and annotate regions of speech in audio recordings
  • Newtext2speechfunction to generate pre-labeled synthetic speech data using web services, including Google's very popular Wavenet

Image Processing

有个新样式转移演示available in Image Processing Toolbox. This demo will walk through the entire process of creating a network designed to take an image and transform it into the style of a reference image. Now you can create images in the style of Picasso, van Gogh, or your favorite artist. The incorporation of custom training loops (Advanced Deep Learning: Key Terms)使诸如样式转移之类的技术相对直观地实现。


20a release of Reinforcement Learning Toolbox comes with a new agent, Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3), additional support for continuous action spaces from existing agents (Policy Gradient, Actor Critic and Proximal Policy Optimization agent) and new examples that showcase how to build custom training algorithms and imitation learning.
  • 训练DDPG代理商具有预审前的演员网络
    Reinforcement learning is a data hungry technique that requires many simulations for training. This example shows how to reduce training time, by initializing the neural network policy using existing data and supervised learning.
  • 使用自定义培训循环的火车加强学习政策
    While Reinforcement Learning Toolbox includes a variety of popular algorithms to train your system, you may want to customize these algorithms or create your own. This example shows the steps you need to follow to create a custom training algorithm with Reinforcement Learning Toolbox.

Radar & Comms

20a release is exciting for the Radar/Comms area primarily because we have 4 new shipping examples. Here are the latest examples and features available in 20a:
RF Fingerprinting: 5G Channel estimation: 通信通道的对数可能估计
According to Product Manager, Rick Gentile, "My personal favorites are the examples in links 1 and 2 because we have been getting so many requests for this type of application (RF Fingerprinting). It is a hot topic because it is used to prevent comms network spoofing. The 2ndexample highlights the work we did with synthesized data using data we collected from a radio."
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